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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/CIAHerpes on 2024-07-01 19:38:57+00:00.

I stood in front of my mother’s grave, staring down at the cold granite headstone. The engraved letters had faded with time. The grass had long ago covered the black soil of the gravesite. The clouds quickly passed overhead under a darkening sunset.

“I know you never got to see it, Mom,” I whispered as tears streamed down my cheeks. “But I finally did it. I got clean.” The only response was the hissing of the cool autumn wind across the cemetery. Blinking quickly, I wiped at my eyes. Through the haze of tears, I glimpsed something in the forest.

The graveyard had a spiked, metal fence running along its perimeter. Immediately on the other side of the fence loomed dark pine trees and thick patches of pricker bushes. Beneath one shadowy tree stood a silhouette. It looked like a tall man in a black suit and dark sunglasses. His skin appeared chalk-white, his body hairless and long. Though he was far away, I could just barely see a lipless mouth chattering, opening and closing in a superhuman blur. The rest of his body stayed as still as death.

“Hello?” I yelled, taking a step toward the fence. “Are you OK?” I had never seen such a pale luster on a living person before. It was eerie. I briefly wondered if the man suffered from some extreme form of albinism or vitiligo. It looked like all the blood had been drained from his body. A feeling of dread gripped me as the lipless mouth abruptly slammed closed. The man stayed as still as a statue, keeping his back straight and his body rigid. I squinted, seeing that his skin appeared strange. It looked as hard as marble, inhumanly clear and flawless. The feeling of dread only increased.

Stumbling away, I spun and began running in a blind panic towards my car. I was the only one in the graveyard, the sole living person in this orchard of bones. I flung the door open, slamming it shut and locking it immediately. Night quickly descended like a falling knife. I flipped the lights and engine on. The cemetery had only a single shared exit and entrance. It stood at the end of the circular paved road that encircled the bone orchard. As I put the car in drive, I glanced quickly in the rearview mirror. I instantly had to repress an urge to scream.

The man in the black suit was standing directly behind my car now, as if he had been teleported there. He had his sunglasses in one hand now. Two protruding cataract eyes stuck out the front of his head, each the size of a small orange. Slitted, reptilian pupils ran down the length of the alien eyes. There was a look of primal fury frozen across the deathly-white face.

I accelerated as fast as the car would go. It took off like a bucking horse, the engine whining with a high-pitched mechanical sound. I continuously glanced in the rearview mirror as increasing waves of terror ran down my spine, but I saw no sign of the man in the black suit. I peeled down the graveyard’s lonely road and out onto the dark, empty streets of Frost Hollow.

As I disappeared around the turn, I saw the brake lights turn on, painting the surroundings in its crimson light.


With trembling hands, I pulled out my cell phone, dialing my brother Philip’s number. I had heard of others in the town getting visits from the men in black. Many had mysteriously disappeared soon afterwards. Others became hermits, deleting all their social media and turning off their phones. One rumor stated that a local conspiracy theorist writing about lights in the sky had allegedly received a visit from the strange men. Within twenty-four hours, he sold his house, scrubbed as much personal info as he could from the Internet, and bought a one-way plane ticket out of the USA.  I hadn’t actually believed any of the rumors circulating, but my brother Philip had. He had been stockpiling ammo and guns for the last few weeks.

I pressed the dial button as I sped around a corner, looking up in time to see a naked woman stumbling down the road only a few feet away. She was walking towards my speeding car with glazed, sightless eyes. Strange, circular bruises covered the length of her body. I slammed on the brakes. The car fishtailed as I spun the wheel all the way to the left. A silent scream welled up in my throat as the world spun around me in a circle. The front bumper missed the woman by inches, but still, she never reacted.

In a cloud of smoke and burnt rubber, I nearly smashed into a thick oak tree. The back of the car missed the trunk by less than a foot as the car finally came to a stop. My heart was pounding my ears, so fast that it came across like a rushing waterfall.

I heard a small voice somewhere nearby, as muffled and quiet as a whisper. It said, “Hello? Hello?” in a confused voice over and over. I looked down at my lap, seeing my brother’s name emblazoned across the screen. With trembling fingers, I picked it up and put it to my ear.

“Philip, I saw them,” I whispered. “The men in black. I need help.”

“Where are you?” he whispered frantically. I looked around, seeing the naked woman still stumbling blithely down the middle of the road in a zombie-like trance. 

“I’m down the road from Mom’s grave,” I said. “There’s some weird shit going on. I almost just hit a naked woman. She looks drugged.” Philip swore on the other end of the line.

“You need to get out of there immediately,” he said. “Come here. We can barricade ourselves inside and take them out one by one if we need to.”

“I need to check on this lady,” I said. “I can’t just leave her here.”

“It’s probably a trap,” he said. “Oldest trick in the book, man. You just put a woman on the side of the road, make her look like she’s hurt, and then, when someone stops to help, you rob and kill them. Remember Bonnie and Clyde?”

“I’ll call you back,” I said, nervously looking around the car. I was stopped in the middle of the dark, empty street. The woman continued ambling forwards in eerie, zombie-like movements towards the cemetery. 

I slowly opened the door, expecting some sort of ambush, but nothing stirred. I crept out as quietly as I could, observing the woman. She was only a stone’s throw away by this point. My headlights illuminated her naked back and legs. I called out above the screaming of the wind.

“Hey! Do you need an ambulance? You nearly got run over!” I yelled. That was when I first noticed something was deeply wrong with her body.

I saw dozens of thin strands poking out of her skin, black, spidery filaments half a foot long surrounded by angry red patches of inflammation. Circular black and purple bruises extended out, a roadmap of fresh injuries. I squinted, confused at what lay in front of me. With every step she took, the strands skittered and jumped, sharp insectile legs that snatched blindly at the empty air.

As my words echoed eerily into the darkness pressing in on me, the woman’s head jerked with a loud crack of bone. She froze in her tracks, her bloody feet leaving thin scarlet footprints. The skittering filaments seemed to move faster, whipping back and forth in widening arcs. Where they ate into the woman’s pale flesh, clotted blood appeared in rivulets and drops, looking as black as onyx and as thick as maple syrup.

Her head ratcheted to face me, her body spinning in quick, jerky movements. Her wide, unseeing eyes had started crying tears of black, clotted blood. They ran down her cheeks like polluted rivers. I instinctively backpedaled towards the car, groping blindly behind me but afraid to look away. I didn’t know what this woman was capable of. Her mouth opened in a silent scream. Black sludge dripped down her lips and chin. She vomited a constant stream of it, slowly letting the fetid, rank fluids stain her chest and legs.

“Fuck this!” I cried, turning to sprint back into the open car door. I heard the sickening sound of wet flesh tearing, felt a spray of warm blood on my back and neck. I leapt into the driver’s seat, slamming the door shut and locking it. I glanced up, my headlights still shining brightly down the street. But the naked woman no longer stood there.

Her body lay on the street, discarded like a broken toy. Her chest stood open, the sharp points of bone stabbing upwards through a mass of clotted gore. Something black and spidery crawled upwards out of the pale, ripped flesh, pushing itself up on dozens of long, thin legs. Like an infant from Hell, it forced its way out of its mother. Its body reminded me of a jellyfish, round and curving with two enormous, white eyes bulging from the center. Its skin gleamed like obsidian, glossy and black, still wet and shining from the fresh blood of its victim.

Each of its legs looked about the height of a man. Its central body, whose only feature was its lidless eyes and two squirming tentacles, made it twice as tall. It stretched its stick-thin legs out with a cracking sound like grinding shards of bone. With the vents running in the car, a rank smell flooded in, like ozone and antifreeze.

The strange, spidery jellyfish twisted its many legs, skittering forwards straight at my car. Its skin rippled like the fabric of a kite, and a high-pitched keening emanated from its alien body, a sound like a siren rising and falling.

I put the car in drive, accelerating at the creature. I saw it only feet away. I thought I would smash right into it and kill it, but at the last moment, it leapt off the ground. The sharp points at the end of its many legs danced across the hood of the car with a scraping of metal. It ran over…

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