This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/washingtondc by /u/eable2 on 2024-07-02 14:03:24+00:00.


Federal Triangle closed July 9

Mt Vernon Sq closed 11:00AM July 9 to 5:00AM July 12. Yellow Line ends at Gallery Place.


Virtually all buses that go downtown are on detour 8:00PM July 8 to 8:00PM July 11: 3F, 3Y, 11Y, 16E, 16Y, 32, 33, 36, 52, 59, 63, 64, 70, 74, 79, D4, D6, G2, G8, P6, S2, X2, and Red Line Express Shuttle.


Sources: DDOT, WMATA