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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/The-Zesty-Man on 2024-07-02 01:37:16+00:00.

Time: 8:20 PM 07/01/2024 | Location: SW Fl

Hello all. I’ve been hovering this sub for probably a year now without any interaction. I realize now, those who “swear” by their experiences why it’s so unbelievably hard to describe due to 1: excitement, 2: the mere desperation to not sound like you are full of s**t. Friends, I reside in SW Fl at the moment. It is almost 8:30. I face the sunset every evening on the patio while I enjoy a relaxing moment after I put my toddler down for bed. The sun is pretty much set now, with much light still in the sky. About 10 minutes ago I look up, way up, and see a very BRIGHT star. Or so I thought… listen, I track planes on a flight radar app because I enjoy watching sky vessels travel from all over the world to our local airports. I KNOW what planes look like when they travel from my perspective. I am ignorant to the omnipresent vernacular you guys are equipped with in describing your experiences/claims in this forum, however, I KNOW what I saw. I digress. It was a bright light, I swore it was a star, yet as I look away for just a moment (let’s say 2 hot seconds), I look again in search for this light. It’s dim now, as I find it again. Yet still stationary. I proceed to look away again as I merely shrugged this moment off quicker than I could fathom the peculiarity of this “star” let’s say. Once I look back again, it’s completely gone. I PROMISE you all. I stare at this sky every night. I’m not a pro (clearly, lol). I watch departures and landing flights in my beautiful night sky, from multiple consistent routes. This was NOT a plane. This was NOT a drone. This was NOT a star. I feel this very moment like a child who can’t explain what they saw with vehement conviction without looking like a daydreamer who’s over thinking a simple explanation. This “light”, which resembled the brightest star in the sky was way too high and too vibrant to be a plane. The stationary position, the way it was stuck in the clear sky. Gosh, I wish I could explain this better without the possibility of you guys raising an eyebrow or letting out a “sigh” upon reading this. Look. I try to rationalize everything, and take all information from this world, and especially this subject with a grain of salt. I promise you, when I say this was different, I truly mean it with every shaking atom that resembles my body. Damnit.