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The original was posted on /r/anime by /u/The_Loli_Otaku on 2024-07-02 20:59:29+00:00.

No matter how I look at it, it’s you guys’ fault I’m not popular!

“Since I’m Not Popular, I’ll have a Good Dream”

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Comment of the Day!!

Poor Tomoko is too depressed to be able to see her silver linings from WednesdaysFools~

“They bought her an umbrella after all that… after the end of the last episode I thought it would be Tomo-torment all the way through but that was surprisingly sweet. That’s actually the reality of it, isn’t it? Some people can be hostile, others group up and can be insensitive but still not malicious, and then there are those who might just do a kind thing for you out of the blue. The world isn’t actually out to get you, most of the time. Too bad Tomoko’s thinking at this point is too black-and-white to clearly see this. She couldn’t even consider that it was those two guys who were there with her at the time. .”

Similar thoughts come from Fissionprime, quit sympathising so much with Tomoko you guys!!

“This show really gets so visceral with how it lets Tomoko fail. I think the only other show I’ve seen it on this level in is welcome to the NHK. Really impressed that the writing has made me physically recoil multiple times. I’m not gonna be able to get the sheltering in the rain scene out of my head for a while. That said, as a I’ve seen a couple of other people mention, the world around her honestly treats her pretty nicely, all things considered. Even if Tomoko isn’t gonna appreciate those dudes getting her a new umbrella, I’m gonna appreciate it for her.”

Lots of great reactions to becoming pure virgins but my favourite is from rewatcher BigCheeseLapDog XD

“I hate this scene. I watched WataMote twice before this rewatch. The first time the psychological test scene played, I chose forest. The woods are cool okay! I thought it was funny that it was that the unwanted virgin one, but I didn’t think much of it. But the reason this scene is now a tumour in my brain is because upon my rewatch, I had completely forgot about it. I didn’t remember the answers, so I said forest again. Not only was I called an unwanted virgin twice by this scene, but I was also embarrassed that I couldn’t remember this one simple thing from one of my favourite shows. From then on, I never forgot it. It occasionally comes to my mind as I’m simply living my life. It’s silly, but it got me and it got me good.”


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  • Do you think you could calmly handle such a perverted failure of a daughter like Kuroki-papa?
  • What’s the most pleasant dream you’ve had recently?

Abyssbringer’s “What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!”

Vaadwaur with a dose of reality…

“Today’s prompt is symbolic of the madness that is the modern era, where one cannot even be sure the person you are talking to sees the rain right in front of them.”

Yesterday’s Prompt!

Today’s Prompt!

Tomorrow’s Prompt

Tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. Why? What for? Because I’m an idiot!