FYI this is an edit
Was it not obvious? Lol
apparently not!
Okay that makes more sense now. Thanks.
I’m really confused. Why would the subject be complaining about the edible 1 minute before they took it? Besides the time until edible isn’t really relevant. It’s the time after edible consumption that matters.
It should be like 58 minutes after edible - “this edible ain’t shit”
60 minutes after edible - “I made a huge mistake.”
Yeah I’m also confused and I’m just assuming this is a bad comic.
My personal experience is that most people don’t stop at soft drugs. Be safe. Small choices can hurt a lot.
I have had more problems trying to cut back on drinking alcohol than I ever did trying to cut out any drug out of my life.
Anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal.
Alcohol is deadly. My drunk friends have put me in danger before. It’s fucked. Weed most just makes people slow and weakens personal bonds. It also messes with your motivations. I have seen weed destroy potential in some people.
My experience as a statistician with a background in public health academia is thar most do not. While any individual who uses Marijuana has a heightened risk to other drug use (though a link to heavy alcohol use is more common) the vast majority of Marijuana users do not go on to harder drug use.
Whatever the averages are the pocket of drug use in my community has caused violence, drug abuse, and mental slowing. Even light uses causes people to slow mentally. There are a lot of problems besides using hard drugs. It’s better to just stay clean. It’s not worth it.
“Personal experience” and “most people” in the same sentence. Nice work.
Thank you. I take honesty seriously.
Know the risks!