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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023

  • There always will be a divide between those who use technology as a means to an end and those whose end is technology.

    If you think I’m taking a “side” with that statement you’re the latter.

    If you think that’s a dig at anyone it’s probably because you think people care what phone you have, or that I’m trying to sneakily insinuate that you’re not doing anything by installing another flavor of Linux so you can get your dock to line up perfectly the way you want it to.

    If you think people care what phone you have it’s probably because you know people who do.

    If you think you have to be around those people I’m here to tell you I don’t know anyone who cares about what phone I have.

  • Connect with the natural world. Go find some woods where there aren’t a lot of people and just be alive in them.

    Sometimes I find myself on my phone too much. I’ve found it useful to try to remember something I saw online a week ago. Frequently I cannot. This makes me upset at the time I am wasting.

    I started disc golfing again last year and I play every weekend and it’s keeping me sane. It’s like walking in the woods with a purpose. I like to go before anyone else is playing in the morning. It must work because my wife encourages it and it means her watching our toddler alone for a couple hours.

  • Sure. Like if you enjoy doing that stuff it would be totally worth it I’m sure.

    There is a particular kind of person who prefers setup and config to doing anything with a computer, and it’s hard to hide my disdain for that sometimes but that doesn’t make it wrong. It also doesn’t mean I’m doing anything with a computer. We’re biased towards ourselves, I get that.

    Like, we just put a dog down so I was thinking about my own mortality and how much time I have in life. It’s not a lot, and the idea of making sure an email address is functioning today sounds like hell.

    I’m leaving the original statement up because I don’t think enough people walk back hasty statements online.

  • I think I read that average is somewhere like 85-100 and I took note of when I felt most alert when waking up and when I felt most groggy.

    I also like a weekend nap so I tried setting alarms for different amounts of time and landed on where I felt most alert and refreshed upon waking.

    Bonus via edit: if you wake up during the night at the same time it might fall on a sleep cycle divisor. I wake up to pee at 4:30 a lot and 6:00 is my wake up time, 90 mins away.

  • Find out your sleep cycle length. Mine is 90 minutes. My life is better when I get 6, 7.5, or 9 hours (lol I wish) because I wake up at or near the end of a sleep cycle.

    No electronics in bed. Bed is for sleep and sex. No TV either.

    Wake up at the same time every day.

    Don’t try to force yourself to sleep if it ain’t happening. Go do something boring for a bit.

    Sometimes I’m worn out but can’t nap on weekends and I will just lay there trying to relax every muscle I can notice. Sometimes this makes me fall asleep and sometimes I just get some good body rest.

    Make your room as dark as possible.

    If you have trouble sleeping through noise, try a noise machine. It sounds counter intuitive but usually it’s new or sudden noises that are the problem, and your brain should tune out the noise machine after it becomes a usual sound.

    Avoid caffeine 6 hours before bedtime.

    If you get heartburn avoid acidic foods and drinks before bedtime.

    Alcohol and grass will help you sleep sometimes but it will be worse quality sleep.

    These are things that help me, they might not help you. Try to keep a sleep journal if you’re having trouble nailing down what might be disrupting your sleep. It’s all about being in tune with how your body works and feels. Take some time during the day to just feel how you feel.

    If you try a bunch of stuff and you get sleep and drag ass every day anyways get checked for sleep apnea.

  • Bigoldmustard@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldsnap bad 😡😡
    3 months ago

    Don’t worry babe, I’m gonna start my big project just as soon as I get my computer set up exactly, perfectly, precisely the way I want it. I need to reach out to others to accomplish this. Once I have the perfect Linux experience I will be able to start my big project and then you will see my true value.