• 5 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月8日


  • It would be a nice gesture, but I will believe those promises of support when they have teeth to them.

    What happens if they stop doing it? Do I have to sue them for breach of contract, have to prove actual damages, and settle the class action lawsuit for $5 in store credit?

    What happens if the company goes bankrupt or creates a new subsidiary to service the product and the subsidiary folds?

    What level of support are they obligated to provide? What issues must be fixed and how promptly?

  • Don’t try to have a good diet and workout routine, try to regularly improve your diet and workout routine.

    The best workout routine is the one you can stick to. Plenty of people online will tell you that to lose weight you need to be doing cardio in a certain heart rate zone or to gain muscle you need to weight lift a certain way. That is technically true, but useless. A great workout routine is just walking for half an hour each day. It is a much more realistic goal for out of shape people and simply getting your heat pumping and your muscles moving regularly will get you most of the health benefits you need.

    Same thing with diet. A keto or intermittent fasting diet may be the fastest way to burn fat, but they are very hard to stick to and when you break them, you will be so hungry that you will eat enough to gain back all the weight you lost. A more realistic plan is to cut out a sugary beverage from each day and to make sure that every meal includes a vegetable high in fiber. Once that is an established habit, build on it with other small changes that move you closer to a healthy lifestyle.

  • What mod for what game are you talking about? Is the mod just writing flavor fluff or is it weaving in important information?

    If it is the former, I don’t care for it. I don’t want to know that farmer John had a good crop of turnips. It is just filler fluff that does not build on the setting but simply makes it look busy for the sake of being busy.

    If it is the latter, I would think that there is a risk that the AI NPC conveys information in a hard to understand or misleading way and players would have a hard time understanding what to do.

  • That reminds me of the time, quite a few years ago, Amazon tried to automate resume screening. They trained a machine learning model with anonymized resumes and whether the candidate was hired. Then they looked at what the AI was looking at. The model had trained itself on how to reject women.

  • Unfortunately, living in the US, I would not take a job with a pension because the (private) pension system cannot be trusted. I remember the 00s when many company pension accounts went bankrupt, because companies were no longer offering it as a benefit and it was easy enough to screw over retired past employees. Companies would take poorly performing divisions and their pension plans, spin them off as a new company that would quickly file for bankruptcy.

    I would not trust a pension without it being insured by an organization like the FDIC. Even then, I would be afraid that my pension would not cover living costs due to inflation.

    Luckily there are alternatives. I have a 401k, which should give me a steady flow of inflation proof dividends… until a market downturn wipes it out. If that happens, I can fall back to Social Security. Don’t believe the baloney that the government will ever let Social Security go bankrupt. They will just cut down benefits.