• 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • Dying during Hajj has always been a risk historically. Imagine you’d make the way from Afghanistan or Gambia to Mekka in the time before cars and planes. People were on the road for years, and the roads back then were a very different story.

    Also for nowadays it needs to be kept in mind, that people often safe up a very long time, to afford doing Hajj. So by the time they saved enough money for it, they are quite old, which increases the risk of dying from heat.

  • I think you are overestimating the precision of unguided rockets. Lets eyeball this:

    Lets assume the rocket flies ten kilometers, which is on the short end of things. As it is subsonic, it at best could reach a speed of 300m/s (hypersonic is above 343 m/s). Since we are looking at an arc for the shape, lets assume a launch angle of 30°, making it a fairly flat arc. So the speed in ground direction then only is 86% which is cos 30° or in total 260m/s. So that rocket has to fly at least 38 seconds.

    Taking just a sideways wind, assuming a gentle breeze on the beaufort scale, at about 4.5 m/s, that would result in a deviation of 171m over the 38 seconds. But now you get wind from the back or the front, which gives the rocket upwards or downwards drift. Or the wind isn’t perfectly sideways, so it actually changes the direction the propulsion is pushing too. Over such a range you also get changing wind speeds and directions…

    You face the same thing with artillery. Which is why it is usually used in batteries and to cover an area, rather than hit a specific target. Although Artillery is easier in the sense, that the propulsion happens right in the beginning and is aimed correctly.

    If we are talking guided missiles, it is a very different story, although i would be suprised if Hezbollah had access to GPS guiding or similiar high precision tools.

  • Hezbollah started limited attacks after Israel starting bombing Gaza. That was the level of engagement for many months. The understanding to keep it at that level changed with Israel escalating into Syria and Lebanon more and more, as well as the total annihilation they bring on Gaza.

    You don’t need to look at all of the “conflict”. However the fundamentals are not complicated. Israel is a settler colonial state. It is found on and will be completed by genocide and ethnic cleansing of the population it is stealing the land from. This is what happened in what is today the US. This is what France tried in Algeria. And you find this again and again throughout human history.

    You can engage in all sorts of debates as to who has shot first at what point, but this fundamental structure of the situation does not change.

    Hezbollah made it clear they don’t want an escalation and the way to end the fighting and the border is by Israel ending the genocide in Gaza. The same goes for the regime in Iran, which had to respond to Israels assault on the embassy, but they did so in a matter to show force, without causing relevant damage. The one escalating is Netanyahu, who hopes to draw all of the west into a total war in the middle east, because the support for his genocide is dwindling.

    It is the mindset of a schoolyard bully, that always picks fights, to then call on his bigger brother to defend him. It would be funny, if it wouldnt be a genocidal maniac, that is set to put the lives of hundreds of millions of people at risk.