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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I picked up a radxa zero last year and have been quite enjoying it. the hardware is better than a pi zero but costs less. same with a lot of other SBCs

    but raspberry pi has a lot of inertia behind it, a lot of software and hardware support. people will keep using them, just like they keep using Ubuntu, even though it’s a soulless corporate husk of what it one was

  • I run a small personal blog/portfolio website that doesn’t get more than a hundred or so human visits per day, but it gets hammered with bot traffic, not just malicious bots but tons of different search indexers and scrapers, many of which don’t respect robots.txt

    after setting up cloudflare I noticed a very significant drop in malicious traffic and in bandwidth use, which also corresponded to less bandwidth and CPU usage for my VPS.

    I know cloudflare has recently had a few bad customer service stories but for small and medium sized websites their service is invaluable

    my own personal criticism of cloudflare is that, as a VPS user, I get hit by cloudflare challenges more. but now that they’ve moved to hcaptcha it’s not too bad

  • i read three of the sources you provided (all of them, except the book), and the only thing you’ve said which is true is that the treatment ‘includes acceptance of their desires’ (though you have added the words ‘as normal’)

    the other two claims you’ve made, including ‘it does not prohibit any fictional materials including children’ and ‘by stripping away safe outlets we may come at risk of these people increasingly turning to real CSAM’ are your own inventions, and are not stated anywhere in the texts you have linked, in fact, they are directly refuted by both of them, because the actual prevention project recommends a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and medication

  • The wording of the article here, ‘can’t rely on beliefs’ is doing a lot of work, first it frames legitimate concerns about climate change as ‘beliefs’, and second of all it implies that people are somehow dodging criminal damage charges based on their subjective feelings, which isn’t what’s happening at all. Instead, the UK government is stripping away a layer of legal protection for protestors which was established in the Criminal Damage Act of 1971 (for more info google ‘the consent defence’).

    The UK has been drifting into authoritarianism for a long time, but in the last few years, the repeated attacks on people’s right to protest have become far more transparent. There is a high-ranking UK judge called Silas Reid who became famous for forbidding mentions of climate change in his courtroom, and recently threatened a jury with prosecution if they acquit a group of climate protestors.

    It’s sad to see newspapers spin this into such neutral language. This is a brazen assault on human rights.