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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yeah that’s exactly correct. Protestors and counter protestors both have a right to express their views, regardless of what I think of those views. As long as they don’t violate any laws in the process. That is literally one of the pillars the US is built on for instance. I don’t have to agree with you to defend your right to say those things I disagree with. The right to that freedom of expression is literally the 1st Amendment in the US.

    I don’t know what the limits are on speech in Canada, but they’re likely similar, just not as extremely biased towards protection. The US defends too much honestly.

    That doesn’t mean that your opinions and expressions are immune from controversy or disagreement. And speech is limited in certain circumstances, like direct threats. That’s not what’s happening here though.

  • For many homeless, the root cause is undiagnosed and/or untreated mental illness of some sort. That then spirals out of control until they end up on the street. Since we don’t give a shit about healthcare in this country, especially mental healthcare, that’s an inevitable result for many until we actually begin to fix the root causes.

    The same is true of many drug users. And there is a large overlap on these populations for that reason. Homelessness is hell, addiction is hell, that fix lets them escape real life for a brief period of time. Their illegal actions like theft to fund that aren’t usually about wanting to do whatever it is so much as it’s needing to do it for the next fix, which is essentially a physical requirement to live at that point.

    But again, we don’t give a shit about treatment and rehabilitation for drug dealers, throwing them in a box guaranteed to ruin any future prospects, while paying tens of thousands of dollars for prisons is apparently a better investment than attempting rehabilitation with those same funds.

    When you then add that even “normal” members of society with full time jobs can’t afford a place to live, you get a cycle that feeds the homeless issue with new bodies daily as people can no longer keep their heads above the water and slip down.

  • Yeah the movie issues really go back to one root cause. They needed to write and maintain a single cohesive storyline for the trilogy. Allowing the directors to also write the movies as they wanted without any apparent oversight AND switching them in the middle and back was where the issues came from.

    JJ started a story, Rian came in and threw that out the window to do what he wanted, then they brought JJ back in, who basically finished the story he started, largely ignoring the middle. It wasn’t cohesive in any way and felt disjointed throughout because of it.