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The original was posted on /r/ApolloApp by /u/lemond4455 on 2023-09-30 15:12:06.

Up until the point that Reddit killed third-party apps, they’ve effectively had to compete with Apollo and similar apps, which in-turn was putting constraints on the extent of bullshit they could get away with in their own app.

Now that the third-party app competition is effectively gone, the enshitification process will accelerate and within a couple of years the site will be completely unrecognisable. I’m predicting that at some point they’re going to roll out a major update that makes the app centred around short videos, with the navigation giving this type of content priority. Over time, they will make discussion threads harder and harder to access, and while they’ll never do away with it completely, they’ll make the UI focused on video shorts, because the board thinks that would put them in the best position to cash in for their upcoming IPO.

Speculative, I know, but I’ve been here since the early days and I’ve seen how the site has slowly drifted away from the things that made it useful, and more towards bandwagoning features from other sites.