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The original was posted on /r/ApolloApp by /u/SonicRift91 on 2023-10-03 18:08:19.

Hey ya’ll! I saw a couple comments about this, but ran a search and didn’t see any actual posts. I was able to get the “Open in Apollo” extension working with my side loaded Apollo app. If you need instructions on installing Apollo, search the sub and there are lots of tutorials. Echoing what others have said - having Apollo back is glorious.

For those who like and want the “Open in Apollo” extension back when browsing in Safari, here’s how I did it.

Prerequisite, though obvious: make sure the side-loaded Apollo is the only version of Apollo installed, and that the app is working as intended already. I am on iOS 17.1 and side-loaded Apollo 1.15.11.

  1. Enable the extension in settings by going to Settings > Safari > Extensions > Open in Apollo > Slide the switch on. You may be prompted to allow it to access If not, go to the next step
  2. Go to google and open a Reddit page, or open any Reddit page in Safari directly - ideally one where you see the prompt to open in Reddit or continue in browser
  3. When on the page, tap the “Aa” icon in the Safari URL bar
  4. Tap “Manage Extensions”
  5. Turn on “Open in Apollo” - if not prompted before, this should kick off the “Do you want to allow Open in Apollo to access” dialogue
  6. Hit yes and authenticate with Face ID if needed
  7. That should be it!

If I’ve missed anything, feel free to add it in the comments and I’ll try to edit this post with any other fixes or updates.