Join Cloud and his friends on a journey across the planet in search of Sephiroth, experiencing the captivating story and thrilling combat, in FINAL FANTASY V...
Without spoiling anything, Intermission (Yuffie’s DLC) takes place in the middle of the Remake storyline and basically follows what she’s up to before presumably joining the party in Rebirth.
I like Yuffie as a character, so I enjoyed playing the DLC. But you could probably find a Twitch stream or no commentary Youtube playthrough to catch up on the story if you don’t want to play it and not miss out.
Without spoiling anything, Intermission (Yuffie’s DLC) takes place in the middle of the Remake storyline and basically follows what she’s up to before presumably joining the party in Rebirth.
I like Yuffie as a character, so I enjoyed playing the DLC. But you could probably find a Twitch stream or no commentary Youtube playthrough to catch up on the story if you don’t want to play it and not miss out.