X appears to be juicing MrBeast’s views to woo the YouTuber to the platform, pushing video upload into users’ feeds as an unlabeled ad::undefined

  • Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    6 months ago

    What’s more I’ve never once seen a Mr beast video.

    And nothing of value was lost.

    Mr. Beast only offers “charity porn” that makes him richer. He’s not doing anything to change the systems in place that make the problems he “solves” any better. He’s just putting band-aids on small groups of people while doing nothing to address larger issues. Hell, he himself is an example of a larger issue. We should not have to rely on the rich to fix societies problems, that’s what fucking taxes are for, and Mr. Beast needs to be taxed until his fucking channel is gone.

    I fully await for him to completely deep throat Elon to make more money. Mr. Beast doesn’t care about pesky things like real morals or values, or he wouldn’t be online friends with the likes of Musk to begin with. All he cares about is the dollar signs.

    EDIT: I’m definitely expecting the day when some journalist does a “big reveal” on all the shady horrible shit that goes on with Mr. Beast and his companies.

    EDIT II: You know Mr. Beast doesn’t give a flying fuck about anything but money because he’s still friends with Musk after the very public reveal of one of his staff being trans. The fact that he can be friends with such a fucking bigot while “supporting” their trans staff member reveals how little he actually gives a fuck about the issue. He’s happy to be friends with people who would deny Kris the life she wishes to lead, so how much does he really care?