Large numbers of Americans believe the founders intended the U.S. to be a Christian nation. The belief is especially strong among Republicans and their white evangelical base.

    8 months ago

    The Treaty is often cited in discussions regarding the role of religion in United States government for a clause in Article 11 of the English language American version which states that “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”

    Signed by founders, we don’t even have to wonder what their thoughts were. Leave your shitty religion out of government.

    I have no problem with Christians. I have a problem with whatever GOP-supporting assholes call Christian, because it is nothing like what Jesus would teach/do.

      8 months ago

      What drives me crazy is the rationalizations around this they make when even without it, its clear most of the founders were rationalists. There is a reason jefferson rewrote the gospels without the supernatural as a morality tale.

    8 months ago

    The Empire we broke from had this “feature” they seem to want so badly. And the thing is, these folks want this not realizing that there’s a “losing team” built into this kind of function. See they forget the whole Act of Supremacy 1534 and how then when the other team got in, we had the Act of Supremacy 1558, and guess what happened to the losing team? Ireland remembers.

    This isn’t a one off thing. in the middle 1700s it wasn’t uncommon for mayors to not get to hold office, even after being duly elected, because they were the wrong flavor of Trinity. There’s the idea it’s a single person and just three “personas” so to say, or it’s actually three different people. That it’s grape juice and crackers standing in and transubstantiation, you are actually fucking eating flesh and drinking blood.

    And this all sounds like small details shit. But I wouldn’t put it to chance on the smallness of those details to people who are worried if you look like you might go in the wrong bathroom. It’s all fun and games till someone is trying to deny your right to vote because you think instruments don’t belong in the church and that praise should only come from within.

    See all the flavors of Christian are playing nicely at the moment because it’s the enemy of my enemy kind of thing with the secular state. But once’s that gone, we’re partying like it’s 1559. See that’s what they all keep getting wrong, they all think they’re going to end up on the winning team until someone starts saying “He ain’t hurting the people he’s supposed to hurt.”

    That’s why they founders wanted a nation based in the people. See the King, his power come from God. And because of that, there’s all this technical crap that basically makes it impossible to question him. But a Government of the people, that’s the difference, the power of the nations isn’t derived from God or whatever, it comes from basically all the vibes from all of the citizens in the nation.

    And Founders they were religious, no doubt. And they believed God gave them power and what not, etc, etc, etc. But the nation they created, that derives from the people. The people can be all kinds of religious if they want to be, but our nation is consecrated by the will of the people. What guides that will of the people, that’s for the people to pick. God, cool. Flying Spaghetti Monster, awesome. Reason and logic, amazing. Different strokes for different folks. Anyone who has read any of the people who created this nation’s works will quickly understand there is a difference between what drives man and whence the power of this nation derives.

    But within that is a smaller, hardcore group who also check other boxes in surveys — such as that the U.S. Constitution was inspired by God and that the federal government should declare the U.S. a Christian nation, advocate Christian values or stop enforcing the separation of church and state.

    These people have no idea what they are asking for. They think that they’ll somehow come out on top or that all the Christians will play nicely with each other or something. And they’re just fooling themselves. We’ve got a lot of history that tells how “amazing” the various sects of Christianity play with each other.

    8 months ago

    Yeah next it’ll be okay well we don’t like that sect anymore though and then we’re back at square one like the little monkeys that fell out of the tree and onto our heads that we are 💜