Artist: Unknown

    7 个月前

    I think it’s all about how you define and measure “best.” A lot of us are subconsciously using other people’s definitions of “best” and throwing it on ourselves. That doesn’t always work, and here’s why:

    A Prius can technically join NASCAR, but should it? No—it’s better used for saving gas. There’s other cars out there that are built for racing (but not too gas-efficient). And neither a Prius or a NASCAR car should drive through a tornado, but we have extreme weather cars made for that purpose.

    One big problem in our society is that people who feel successful tend to project their own experiences on others without taking the time to put themselves in other people’s shoes. “What do you mean? It was so easy for me, if you can’t do it then you must be choosing to fail at life and therefore you’re a bad person.” Then, those that don’t feel successful tend to take on this standard set by others who seem to be more successful than themselves. The problem with this is that everyone is in a different place with strengths, skill levels, growth, life circumstances, and more that make things require more or less effort from us.

    Everyone’s 100% is different from person to person and with different life circumstances. For me growing up, I was constantly running at 150% overdrive which was someone else’s relaxed 75%. You can only go so long at 150%, and it’s even worse when you’re giving that much but believe and were told that you are only giving 75%. On the contrary, my 75% effort writing code or analyzing every ingredient on products that I buy would be 150% for someone else.

    My point is, maybe “Doing appropriate work” like you said is actually “Doing my best work.” And maybe we need to pay attention to others a little bit more so we can see that.

      7 个月前

      My point is, maybe “Doing appropriate work” like you said is actually “Doing my best work.” And maybe we need to pay attention to others a little bit more so we can see that.

      Right, but you are choosing to do that, nobody else lol. And if you’re choosing to do that constantly and you’re pretending like you’re not, that’s still a you issue.

      Very, very, very few people are giving it their all or their best every week, let alone daily, or at home.

      Recognizing others have it hard means nothing because they aren’t mind readers lol.

      Nobody knows what anybody is feeling or going through in life. People themselves barely know that. Expecting others to give you some sort of virtual nod of the head means nothing. Triply so if you’ve never articulated it or ask for help.