Any advice for a regular smart 27 year old youngster, who has chronically underachieved and is motivated to turn their life around. They have a couple years of JC completed, and has no idea what path to take, or really what paths exist.

EDIT: OK, I see I gave slim pickins here. It’s not me, it’s my neighbor’s kid. I’ve known his parents since before he was born. He’s a super smart kid, but like a lot of smart kids, he got kind of jaded about…well, everything. I was visiting the other day and he asked me for advice, and my retired ass has nothing. Any relevant personal experience I may have, became dated years ago.

He’s good at just about all subjects. His longest lifelong hobby has been video games. He took a few programming classes and liked it, but the thought of doing it full time as a career would quickly become torture.

He’s kind of half-assed things and just realized he needs to get his shit straight. He was thinking something like finance, just numbers. Something solid that’s just a career direction. He is going back to school, well most likely he is, but he needs an idea of what path to take. Most of his friends are unemployed/underemployed with computer degrees.

    7 months ago

    I don’t know what JC means, junior college? One thing that helped me figure out what to do with my life was to go through a printed (if you can still get one) college course catalog and look at every single degree program my local community college (same thing?) offered. There were career paths in there I had never considered until prompted, and some I’d never imagined. I was in my 40s, btw. So while you’re better off figuring it out now, it’s never too late.