• US Adm. John Aquilino said China’s military is building up at a rate not seen since World War II.
  • That puts it on the path to meeting its goal of being ready to invade Taiwan by 2027, he said.
  • Aquilino, the outgoing head of the US Indo-Pacific Command, urged Washington to accelerate military development.

China’s rapid military build-up is more expansive than anything seen since World War II, which means it’s on track with its 2027 goal to be ready for a Taiwan invasion, said US Navy Adm. John Aquilino.

“All indications point to the PLA meeting President Xi Jinping’s directive to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027,” Aquilino wrote in a testimony to the US Armed Services House Committee.

“Furthermore, the PLA’s actions indicate their ability to meet Xi’s preferred timeline to unify Taiwan with mainland China by force if directed,” added the admiral, the outgoing head of the US Indo-Pacific Command.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    It isn’t intended to stop at smashing Taiwan.

    All of Asia’s the target.

    Global-domination’s the goal.

    “the destruction of the West is the midwife of Chinese dominion” or something like that, from a few decades ago, a general’s words.

    I don’t know of ANY government on this planet that is stratically-altruistic, and most are openly machiavellian/sociopathic-psychopathic/nihilist(globally, re ClimatePunctuation).

    The more people are investing-in dealing-with making-believing, because that’s more comforting than actuality,

    the LESS actuality evolves to match the making-believing, because of useless wasting-of-opportunity.

    Objectivity’s the most-effective traction humankind’s got, and making-believing just throws opportunity down the sewer.

    Short-term-ism’s going to butcher nearly-all lives on this planet, this century.

    It’s setting-up “nicely”, what with

    • the ClimatePunctuation still accelerating,
    • the food-chains ( both terrestrial & marine ) being butchered as quickly/efficiently as possible, by money’s lack of care,
    • the political-tantrum/pogrom,
    • the religious-tantrum/pogrom,
    • the aggressive sabotage-of-governing of both left & right’s Leninism/Murdochism, with their “proletariat dictatorship”/“populist dictatorship” rule
    • the nationalism-religions providing identity-“security”, by displacing reason’s anxiety…

    It really is too bad that only “journalism”, … which treats gaslighting as equally-valid to fact, … remains, in the for-profit-“journalism” world…

    Actual journalism, which stuck to objectivity, called gaslighters gaslighters ( locally & other governments, both ), etc, wasn’t allowed to live, by money, so it’s gone.

    And, when actual-journalism’s gone, then you’re “driving the runaway bus while hallucinating/on-drugs”, and the disconnect keeps getting more & more profound/complete…

    “business is booming!” while underemployment & homelessness skyrocket, & businesses keep going bankrupt, because the supply-chain’s disintegrating…

    I remember that screencap someone did, early-Covid, which showed 2 headlines in the same image:

    • 1 was in the “stock markets climb drastically” vein,

    • the other was in the “unemployment & homelessness reach new heights” vein,

    & they were both run by the same company as headlines??

    Gaslighting’s the only industry dominant in our world, now, it looks like…

    Russian dictatorship intends to butcher all of Eastern Europe that it can, because possession is the ONLY part of the law that it feels valid.

    China’s committed to doing something similar through all of Asia, & Modi’s Hindutva India’s in China’s sights, just as Tibet was, just as Nepal, Bangladesh, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, ALL of them are.

    Give it another decade, & see what’s left, outside of the 3-ish major empires that will be butchering-all-who-are-in-their-way.

    Our nature hasn’t changed in the last 12 millenia, so why would our actual-behavior?

    Our unconscious-toddler’s committed to enforcing its “greatness”, and some politicians embody that current, & win on that embodying-our-unconscious-toddler, because much of humankind would rather be identifying-with the ruling-toddler than tolerate others to live, so it’s an identity thing, not rational.

    Also, ask yourself this:

    IF China can’t possess all of Asia, does it make sense to permit the West to make any use of the un-possessed portions of Asia?

    XOR does it make more Chinese Dominion sense to smash/butcher them all, who won’t be the possessed-property of CCP?

    Which would gut the West’s dominion more?

    When you understand the answer to that question, then you begin understanding what the world’s going to be looking-like, 1 decade+ on…

    Welcome to The Great Filter.

    _ /\ _