• abhibeckert@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    iTunes didn’t start life as a first party app though. They bought a third party app (SoundJam MP) and hired the entire development team. That team shipped iTunes shortly after and at least one of them still works for Apple today.

    While iTunes 1.0 was quite different from SoundJam, it’s likely they were working on a major redesign when Apple bought them and they simply finished it off - I’d guess Apple’s only real contribution was the “glass” user interface elements which eventually became systemwide.

    iTunes got progressively less logical/intuitive with every release after the initial purchase.

    Here’s SoundJam MP, iTunes 1.0, and iTunes 10.0 which was either the best or worst version (best, because it had the most features, worst, because do you really want a social network and movies/tv shows in your music player?) — from iTunes 11 onwards they finally cut features, but threw out the baby with the bathwater.