• Serinus@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    And if you want to know why we haven’t made much forward progress, well… we flip parties every 8 years.

    If you want to know why we’re backsliding, it’s because when Republicans have an advantage it’s 58/42 and when Democrats have an advantage it’s 51/50 for two weeks.

    Over the past 50 years Republicans have had more political power in this country.

    • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Democrats held a comfortable dual majority during four years Obama’s presidency and aside from the ACA did fuck all with it. And that’s just in recent history. Go back a bit farther and they had 8 straight years. Go back a bit farther and Democrats had comfortable dual majorities for 26 years straight.


      • Serinus@lemmy.world
        6 months ago


        Your own link disproves your point and makes mine. Yeah, there were times with House and Senate Democrat majorities, usually with a Republican president.

        Republicans have had more control.over the direction of this country than Democrats for the past fifty years.

        You could also make the thin line for president larger, which would make it more obvious.

        Image showing control of the US House, Senate, and Presidency, cropped to the last 5 years.

        • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          My fucking god what is it going to take for you fucking zealots to wake the fuck up and get angry at rich politicians fucking us over regardless of party? Fucking wake up. What the fuck.

          Fuck the Democrats. Fuck the Republicans. Fuck this procorporate trash.

          • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Zealot? Well, fuck you too, buddy.

            Serinus made a great point. Republicans have had their hands on the levers of power because shitheads want to see liberals suffer, and OTHER shitheads scream bloody murder because they didn’t get the rainbow alicorn they swore they were promised. Cluebus for ya, pal. More than ultra-leftie liberals get to call the shot in the USA and you taking your fucking ball and going home hurts all of us

            • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              didn’t get the rainbow alicorn they swore they were promised.

              Nobody promised us a rainbow alicorn. But they did make promises and they were broken. We are not morally obligated to accept that kind of treatment.

              you taking your fucking ball and going home hurts all of us…

              Oh buddy. We’re taking more than the ball. We’re taking our lives.


              Go fuck yourself.

              • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                If you have thoughts of suicide, do what the article says to do and talk to someone. If things are so bad that you’re contemplating killing yourself, this is a dangerous position to be, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, even a Trumper or a useful idiot. But throwing that link about suicide down won’t change my point.

                You don’t always get exactly what you want from a politician. Ask the Kiwis. They recently stayed home, DESPITE their country offering multiple Left-Wing parties and a system that ensures their vote for one of those Left-Wing parties won’t result in one of the Right-Wing Parties being elected, and now, National, ACT, and NZ First (their Conservative parties, going from main-stream to whacko-extreme) are calling the shots and have rolled back EVERY left-wing priority they could get their hands on at a rapid pace. This is what you get when you say ‘not liberal enough’ and stay home, and that’s BEFORE FPTP used here in the USA gets in on the game.

                Again. One of two things will happen in January.

                • Biden will start his second term, doing much the same as he’s done in the first term, SLOOOWLY and ever so painfully eeking out some Liberal priority or another, and then being shut down by the Right-Wing Court.
                • Trump will start his second term, and you’ll be fighting to not be disappeared into the back of some white van by literal secret police while Trump’s goons enact Project 2025 to ‘erase woke everywhere’.

                Every vote Biden doesn’t get…is an increase of the chance that everything you supposedly stand for BEYOND Israel being undone while you dodge shitheads with white vans like Floyd Protesters did in Seattle. I’m just going to be here to remind you and everyone else who reads this of that truth.

                And fuck yourself back to you, pal.

                • go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  But throwing that link about suicide down won’t change my point.

                  I know it doesn’t. All those people killing themselves instead of voting for Biden are just spoiled brats who are handing the election to Trump right?

                  • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
                    6 months ago

                    Ok. I tried to have a little decorum when I thought you might be suicidal, but I can see you’re just a dishonest piece of shit who uses dishonest debate tactics.

                    Let me be clear. Reader, if you feel like this is hopeless and the only way out is death, think of your friends and family, and go talk to somebody first. Your pain may end, but it’ll go on for everyone else around you, and it won’t solve the problems with the world.

                    Also, consider the depths that the pieces of shit that would leverage an article about suicide as a weapon to cudgel people who advocate for using your political voice have sunk to, and vote appropriately. There are plenty of comments here and other places about the good Biden has done, and if you experienced 2017 through 2020, you know how bad Trump is for Left-wing causes specifically and all causes generally. The guy is an incompetent piece of shit backed by some scarily competent destroyers, and your anger over what Biden has or has not done will ensure those destroyers get the reins of power. If he gets in, gay people, non-Christians, transgender people, minorities, women, and even just plain decent people will be in the crosshairs of a new Republican dictatorship. Remember: Trump’s closing moves in 2020 were to abduct protestors into white vans by literal secret police and beat the shit out of them. This is where you can expect Trump to begin, and Project 2025 calls this out explicitly by advocating for activating the national guard and military to suppress protests as ‘insurrections’. This is what is coming if you let this shithead ^^^^ get into your head and vote third party or stay home.

                    And god damn, we need the Democratic Party in these conversations saying the exact same fucking thing.