• go_go_gadget@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    No no no. Don’t backpedal now.

    You all just fucking love accusing anyone of staying home or voting 3rd party of allowing Trump to come into power. That logic applies just as well to people who kill themselves before the election. Stick to your guns here. The young people who kill themselves are just spoiled brats who have zero legitimate reasons for thinking nobody, including Biden and pro-corporate democrats, is doing what is necessary to improve things. These ignorant, childish people who off themselves are exclusively responsible for literally everything. And there is nothing morally wrong with force feeding them atrocious choices year after year after year and anyone who says otherwise is a Russian bot.

    You want to push this narrative then really push it. Lean 100% into it.

    I’m not suicidal but personally I would rather die than vote for another procorporate piece of shit candidate who openly defies the will of the people he’s depending on to get re-elected. And I’m not the only one.

    So now you have a choice: Keep screaming at people who would rather die than keep propping up your disgusting, selfish, evil candidates because the other guy is worse or make material compromises leftward which hold promise of making meaningful improvements towards our futures.

    I already know which one you’re going to choose.