Thousands of Palestinians, including men, women, children and elderly, attempted to return to their homes in northern Gaza on Sunday when they came under Israeli fire.

“We reached all the way to the checkpoint until we saw Israeli tanks. We headed back because they fired towards us. We didn’t see anyone make it to the other side. We risked our children’s lives to cross, but apparently it was all a lie,” one woman said.

Video shows several people with what appear to be gunshot wounds. One man is seen carrying another man who has blood streaming along his face from a head injury.

  • nickwitha_k (he/him)
    6 months ago

    Don’t point the finger at me, I didn’t have anything to do with how we got to now. My apathy and others like me are not the problem…

    You’re an enabler. Like Andy Dick giving drugs to Phil Hartman’s wife. Sure, Andy didn’t pull the trigger but the situation would have been less likely, if not for his actions. You don’t just get to wash your hands off it because of not directly committing the acts.

    Your apathy is exactly the problem as it enables the bad behavior. Why do you think so much has been invested in encouraging voter apathy over the years?

    I vote with my conscience, and if that means no vote, so be it

    Clearly, your conscience doesn’t consider trans people or people of color then.

    None of you will convince me otherwise with your attacks.

    This is exactly who I’m not really trying to convince you but rebutting fallacious reasoning so as to try to convince others. You’re so invested in your belief that you’ve incorporated it into your sense of self and perceive anything that challenges it, regardless of factuality, as an attack.

    I’m not attacking you. And I don’t think most of the others are either. What we are attacking is the fallacy of believing that one is not responsible for the known consequences of their actions due to voluntary near-sightedness. It’s not missing the forest for the trees, nor even the trees for the twigs, but missing the individual leaves for the individual plant cells; absolutely ignoring all context, interconnectedness, and cascading impacts by focusing only on the minutiae and rejecting anything else.

    You’re not a bad person for feeling this way. However, it does lead to a high risk of embracing courses of action on premises that do not hold up to scrutiny and are ethically questionable to those embracing wider world views.