Crazy how the only one of these airing criticism that says the budget isn’t doing enough is the publicly owned one.

    6 months ago

    Beyond his backtracking on election reform when early results indicated it’d be a long, tough battle to actually change and re-educate people?

    Trudeau Liberals bailed the moment they saw they weren’t going to get the ranked ballots they wanted because literally everyone else (including all the advocacy groups) were backing Mixed-Member Proportional.

    He ran on transparency, and while he has been faaaar more transparent than Harper, thats a low bar, and I expect better.

    This is the same government that is sending hundreds and thousands of completely censored pages to committees. This isn’t better than Harper, this is right out of the same playbook.

    Hes had his share of scandals, which isn’t good (SNC, ArriveCan, off the top of my head)

    In all honesty, ArriveCan likely didn’t have as much to do with the Liberals as it did with a long broken procurement process. SNC on the other hand was a direct perversion of justice by the Liberals and Trudeau himself and that alone warrants removal in my eyes.

    I am very left and would not vote Conservative, but the Liberals have shown they are just as capable of crony capitalism, and they are willing to protect Canada’ oligarchs and the economic pyramid scheme.

    If only Singh wasn’t an ass we might see another orange wave, but as long as he’s busy protesting Quebec’s culture that’s never going to happen and Canada will remain divided.