I’m looking for some good reading on how to, eventually, best help be a step parent to my partner’s children and NEARLY ALL books are geared toward the woman’s perspective as though men don’t want to be a strong teacher and develop these kids into healthy adults. Ugh!

Thanks for listening to my rant.

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Well…. The sexism aside, the best advice I can give you is to forget about being a “step”-anything,

    If they’re young enough, it’ll only ever matter if you let it, if they’re older, you need to build that relationship with care, kindness and patience. You can’t force them into it and if you try to force it… that almost never ends well.

    If their bio-parent is in the picture; you might have to “share”, they may never fully open up, and that’s okay.

    But Being a good parent has nothing to do with biology.