His face appears to be healing rather well. He has an appointment tomorrow to have another opinion on the severity of the infection. We are hoping that he will not need very many teeth extracted, if any at all. I have been advocating for treating the infection at the source to see if the teeth improve, since the teeth appear healthy on visual examinations. It was only the past X-rays that alarmed on of the veterinarians.

I will post updates tomorrow. Thank you to everyone that has helped him to this point so far. Your donations have paid for antibiotics, his pain medication, sedation, and medical imaging. Without your help, I don’t know if his face would have healed this well. You are all heroes!

Again, here is the donation link. If there is excess after his dental evaluation today, I will be donating the excess to the local SPCA since they have been in the newspaper recently to draw attention to lack of funding. Our local SPCA has begun turning away strays and other animals due to lack of funding. I wouldn’t feel right keeping any excess money if today’s veterinary appointment reveals that he only needs one, or no teeth pulled. The other veterinarian wanted to pull several teeth on his bottom jaw. Wish us luck. I hope this appointment ends with no pulled teeth!


  • kikutwo@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I had a cat who needed all extracted except for the four canine teeth, due to stomatitis. She did great.