EA CEO Andrew Wilson has revealed plans to “harness the power” of its game communities and use advertising as a “meaningful driver of growth” for the company.

In EA’s latest financial report, Wilson fielded comments from investors, advising that whilst the megacorp needs to be “very thoughtful about advertising”, given “many, many billions of hours” are spent on its games, “advertising has an opportunity to be a meaningful driver of growth for [EA]”.

“To answer your question on advertising broadly, again, I think it’s still early on that front,” Wilson said. "And we have looked over the course of our history to be very thoughtful about advertising in the context of our play experiences.

  • Fapper_McFapper@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    LMAO. I don’t care if EA makes the next best greatest game ever in the history of the entire universe. They won’t see a single fucking penny from me. Take your in game ads and shove them up your greedy shareholders asses.

    These fucking companies will not be happy until we’re all forced to wear contact lenses that display ads on 93% of your field of vision. And these fucking companies will continue to “innovate” their ad placements until we the consumer put a stop to it. Ball is in our court people.

    Edit: Imagine paying 70 motherfucking dollars to watch ads. Unfuckingbelievable.