After getting fed up with TrueNAS (after it borked itself for the third time and I would have had to set it up AGAIN) I decided to learn Ansible and write a playbook to setup my homeserver that way.

I wanted to share this playbook with you in case someone might find it useful for their own setup and maybe someone has some tips on things I could improve.

This server will not be exposed to the public/internet. If I want to access a service on it from outside my home network I have Wireguard setup on my router to connect to my home network from anywhere.

Keep in mind that I’m relatively new to sysadmin stuff etc so don’t be too harsh please 😅

  • Avid
    5 months ago

    If I read this correctly, Immich is setup entirely through Ansible, no docker compose. That’s fine, however if Immich changes something drastically in their setup topology, it’ll be more work for you to implement those changes. For services that use docker compose, you could use Ansible to deploy a compose file in a dir, say /opt/immich-docker along with its requisite .env and other files. Then setup running it via systemd. Then when you need to update it, it’s almost copy-paste from the upstream compose file into your Ansible repo.