Hello! I recently listened to a podcast that talked about how storing media files in .av1 format is very efficient and storage-friendly. I’ve been storing my files in .mkv format, but now I’m considering using Handbrake or a similar service to convert all my video files to .av1 if it’s more compressed than .mkv. So;

  • What format do you store your media?
  • What is the optimal way of storing media?
  • Do you use handbrake or similar services (feel free to suggest) to convert media files?
    • swooosh@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Same holds for avif and jxl. They are very storage efficient but jpg is still the best choice for compatibility reasons. You can use jxl to annoy chrome users because they can’t view it and probably apple users as well but apart from that fun there’s no reason to convert your whole library to it. Your devices, clients and editors have to support it. And we are still not there yet. Best is to spread the word that it’ll be the future but the future is not yet today. Best for their adoption is to stay away from vendors who try to push their own standard like apple.

      Export in avif/jxl if you know you can play it everywhere but don’t convert a whole library to it unless you know you want have problems with it in the future. Jpg with 70% quality isn’t that bad.