The U.S. military has started moving a pier towards the Gaza coast, a U.S. official said on Wednesday, one of the last steps before the launch of a maritime port promised by President Joe Biden to speed the flow of humanitarian aid to Palestinians.

The U.S. military opted to pre-assemble the maritime pier at Israeli port of Ashdod earlier this month due to weather conditions at the Gaza site where it will now be installed.

Officials hope the pier can be anchored to the coast of Gaza and aid can start flowing in the coming days.

“Earlier today, components of the temporary pier … along with military vessels involved in its construction, began moving from the Port of Ashdod towards Gaza, where it will be anchored to the beach to assist in the delivery of international humanitarian aid,” a U.S. official said.

    2 months ago

    This type and size?

    Well what are it’s exact specifications?

    Yes, you’re right in that it’s probably quite a large one, but for military pioneers who’ve got a fire under their arse, a month is a loong time. (Edit I looked at images and it really doesn’t seem that big. Dk.)

    So we can only assume no-one was in such a rush.

    I agree with the earlier guy that this could’ve been managed faster, if there had been will enough to do so.

    The capabilities of military pioneers are quite literally awesome. As in, generating a feel of awe.

    The first Allied bridge across the Rhine- Waterloo Bridge-was constructed by the Royal Engineers, assisted by 173 Pioneer Company, in the record time of 13 hours despite enemy fire and adverse weather. Casualties were light. The building of the Rhine railway bridge and its approaches from Griethausen to Spijk was an important operation. Working with the Sappers, four Pioneer Companies were engaged on its construction and in less than four weeks the bridge, some 2,600 ft in length, was open to traffic.

    And that was 80 years ago. Capabilities have improved quite a bit since.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      2 months ago

      They had a something like a thousand Seabees out there welding in the middle of the ocean. This Pier has miles of welds. Just look at it. Every seam I’m sure is x rayed and pressure tested. You can see the thing from space.