Wealthy white men from rural areas are the UK’s biggest emitters of climate-heating gases from transport, according to a study.

Research by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) looked at transport emissions by income, gender, location, ethnicity and age. The study broke down the transport emissions into international and domestic flights, private road transport and public transport.

The richest 0.1% in Britain emit 22 times more from transport than low earners, and 12 times more than average. The data finds that income is directly linked to levels of mobility, with people who earn more than £100,000 travelling on average at least double the distance each year compared with those on incomes under £30,000.

Those in the most deprived 10% are responsible for by far the fewest emissions, though flying still makes up more than half of their total emissions.

    • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Your sole reason for commenting was to spew racist hate in the hopes that some like-minded degenerate would come along and agree with you. Maybe you did this so you might feel a little bit less alone in the world. What actually happened, though, is I shed some light on why it is that you feel so alone. It’s because you look down on people for things that they can’t help. It’s OK if people are born into situations that are different from your own. If you start to embrace people’s differences instead of fearing and hating them, you will find yourself in a much happier place.