• Wogi@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    See one party is doing it’s best to run a country with a Conservative government. I disagree but at least it’s respectable.

    The other is doing it’s best to bring about a free market theocracy.

    The Democrats assume the other guys are operating in good faith, and so happily follow along as everyone moves to the right.

    We ask for healthcare and we give the biggest gift to the insurance companies in a century. We ask for student debt reform and we get a few handouts while millions of kids every year continue to sign up for predatory student loans. We ask that our children at least be safe in school, and crickets…

    I’m not saying this is one guy’s fault, this is the result of a trend that’s been going on for decades. But the Democrats are attempting to curry votes from a group that will never support them and leaving the passionate base behind. And after January 6th I’m just left wondering why the fuck they’re negotiating with terrorists?

    If nothing is getting done until you have a majority at least for the love of God, swing for the bleachers. Get people excited again.