Currently in pre-production at Bethesda Game Studios, the acclaimed developers of Skyrim and Fallout 4. The highly-anticipated next chapter in the iconic The...
Don’t even need to get into ranking them, it’s just completely asinine to say Oblivion and Skyrim are not even good at all. Circlejerk nonsense from someone who probably hasn’t played any of them.
I bet I’ve played a lot more of them than you have.
It took me a while to realize that I wasn’t having fun with Skyrim, and I thought it wasn’t as good as Oblivion. The games weren’t getting any better, just prettier. The writing and worldbuilding was getting objectively worse, too.
Morrowind is the only one I keep going back to, it’s the only one that has some semblance of soul.
I fully agree, like what the fuck
I never played Starfield and Morrowind is so amazing but
Morrowind will NEVER be better than modded Skyrim, that the fuck, it’s so magical.
Don’t even need to get into ranking them, it’s just completely asinine to say Oblivion and Skyrim are not even good at all. Circlejerk nonsense from someone who probably hasn’t played any of them.
Completely agree. I didn’t want to be hostile like I would be if I was back on Reddit but that’s fucking insane bullshit that’s insanely wrong lawl
Its almost like treating opinions as facts leads to bullshit replies like this one.
The poster has an opinion and explained it well. They actually think Skyrim and Oblivion are bad games, what’s so hard to believe?
I bet I’ve played a lot more of them than you have.
It took me a while to realize that I wasn’t having fun with Skyrim, and I thought it wasn’t as good as Oblivion. The games weren’t getting any better, just prettier. The writing and worldbuilding was getting objectively worse, too.
Morrowind is the only one I keep going back to, it’s the only one that has some semblance of soul.