• underwatermagpies@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    My highly intelligent cat woke up from his nap, walked past his (full) food bowl and came to tell me urgently that he was HUNGRY and he needed to be FED or he would WASTE AWAY AND STARVE.

    He would last maybe 10 minutes in the wild.


  • imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    Knock off oodie update. Washed it. Gave it two spins and popped it on the rack in front of the heater yesterday. No need to spin dry - it’s basically dry this morning. The cuffs are a bit damp but I’m just gonna roll them.

    This has been your PSA from snuggled land …

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    So I spent 15 hours in bed only to struggle to get maybe 8 hours sleep? Jeez. I just couldn’t get my brain to calm down. I wasn’t raging or anything, but just constantly distracted and unable to chill.

    My mental health feels ok… so I wonder if the COVID’s messing with my brain?

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    The old LT messaged me to see if I wanted to go for brunch today which was really really good. We had a nice egg Benny served on a potato cake type thing (like a potato cake, but closer to the dimensions of a small cake than a frisbee, no clue what the hell it’s called). We had a long conversation about things with the new kid, and he said he’d come past over the weekend and had a conversation with the new kid and came to the conclusion that he’s an alright kid, just bored and uncomfortable. Which I can understand, I mean they moved him in with nobody to talk to pretty much. That doesn’t sound that bad, but when you’re coming from intensive 24/7 care with somebody to talk to at any time of day and every day of the week, it is difficult. I’m still struggling to cope with all the changes, and honestly am really resenting my organisation at the moment. They and child protection colossally fucked this up and I actually think the other kid has been fucked over as well as me.

    Apparently I’m not the only one, the old LT wrote an angry letter to the CEO of the org who referred him to the operations manager, who apparently took him quite seriously (he has access to a lot more info and operational procedures than I do, so was able to base his complaint on actual operational failings, and areas where they’ve failed to comply with certain service requirements, so they’re probably in arse covering mode)

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        23 days ago

        It’s probably too late for that now, but it’ll be fun to watch the high ups squirm and figure out how they can try and minimise the issues they’ve caused

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        23 days ago


        Yeah, it looked something like that. I don’t really read menus and ingredient lists. It was good though

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    Today was good. Lots of great food and family time. Talked to my cousin’s daughter, a 4yo middle child, about Pokemon and I think she really likes me now :D

    Got my birthday presents, one of which is a book called ‘Mickey’ and it’s about a cat, so I’m stoked.

    10/10 day, would do again lol

  • 𝚝𝚛𝚔@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    Flying to Melbourne this morning, boy are my arms going to be tired.

    Going to see my favourite comedian who was originally not coming to Brisbane… But then all of about 48 hours after we committed to tickets and accommodation in Melbourne announced Brisbane dates too. Funny joke, this is why he’s my favourite comedian.

    Jokes on him though - I’m still going to go to Melbourne and get me a parmi, and then I’m going to see him in Brisbane too. Now who’s laughing? 😎

  • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    I recorded my little guitar jam on my phone yesterday just so I could listen back to it. It’s actually good and I’m turning it into a track.

    It’s kind of about being fucked over by that guy who called me “family” and then turned on me for no reason.

    It’s cathartic.

      • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
        23 days ago

        Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker
        Fuck the motherfucker, he’s a fucking motherfucker
        Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker
        Fuck the motherfucker, he’s a total motherfucker
        Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker
        Fuck the motherfucker, fucking fuck the motherfucker
        Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucking pope

      • Taleya@aussie.zone
        23 days ago

        the old school queers have been having tremendous fun with that on tumblr. The eggs, not so much “omg guys it’s so bad that he’s calling us this, it’s not a joke”

        I kindly reminded them that I pre-date the AIDS crisis, the pope calling me a faggot doesn’t even register past background radiation.

  • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    Went to the Coburg Farmers Market today (we haven’t been there in ages) specifically to get Temple Road Wellness Blend Chai. Miniest absolutely loves it and it’s great when you’re feeling a bit off colour. Can’t resist buying soaps, it’s one of my weaknesses, so I bought a rose geranium & grapefruit one and a lavender & peppermint one. Aside from that there wasn’t much of interest to me specifically. Elder loves the Gorgeous George probiotics stuff, and there used to always be a stall there, but we discovered that he sold the business to someone (Mumma Made) who will be at the Essendon Farmers Market tomorrow. Funny coincidence was Mr P already said that he wouldn’t mind checking that one out tomorrow, so Elder is really excited for that. He loves the chilli hommus and I love the beetroot kraut and the basil pesto 🤤😋 I can see this is going to be dangerous! I like farmers markets a little too much lol… Sometimes I think that if I had some good bread, cheeses, nice simple hommus and pesto type dips, some pickled vegetables or kimchi or sauerkraut and odd seasonal fruits and vegetables, that I could just live off endless variations of that stuff for the rest of my life.

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zoneOP
      22 days ago

      Sometimes I think that if I had some good bread, cheeses, nice simple hommus and pesto type dips, some pickled vegetables or kimchi or sauerkraut and odd seasonal fruits and vegetables, that I could just live off endless variations of that stuff for the rest of my life.

      add tea, coffee and moscado and I’m in

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    Uh oh. The next bus departure listed on PTV is 2:46. Which is a time that is in the past. Personally I subscribe to the idea that time only moves forwards and never backwards, however when I ride PT I always end up feeling like perhaps I need to put some stock in that reversing time theory.

    Jokes aside, the tracker thing is working now (it wasn’t earlier), and shows the bus as being on its way from the depot. So I think the bus that was running before must have broken down so they’re replacing it with a different bus. I was on the bus earlier and it was sounding a bit unhealthy. The brake hold thing/handbrake they use when stopped was making a horrid noise when it was released, and the bus hadn’t been fitted with a tracker (at least not one hooked into the PTV API)

    Edit: the bus showed up, 7 minutes late (unusual for this route). Same bus as I was on before, just with an angrier bus driver. No clue what all that was about, but google thinks my bus is delayed 2 hours and 34 minutes and seems confused about how I’m on a bus at all

    Edit edit: he ran a red light and seemed to be a huge fan of braking (why brake in advance when you could just wait until the last minute and slam the brakes as hard as they can go?)

  • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    The song is coming along. It’s been a while since I’ve written something whose foundation is guitar.

    What I usually do is stop working on it after an hour or so, make a copy to listen to and come back the next day. Less likely to get too caught in the details.

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    The indian food was good, but they managed to sell me into getting more food than I wanted and I ended up paying 64 bucks 😵💫😵‍💫. I had leftover curry and rice, so they put it in a takeaway container for me and wrapped it up for leftovers. Since I was planning on being out til about 1, I decided I should stop by home and chuck it in the fridge. But in doing that, I’ve now missed my movie :/

    The movie doesn’t start until 8:50, but I’ll be about 40 mins late by PT (gotta love when it’s only 20 minutes longer walking…). Could take a taxi to the station then I’d make it on time, but I’d already need to get one from the station back home, and dinner was so much more than I anticipated I can’t really justify it. I’ll watch a movie on my computer instead, but I was wanting to go to a movie mainly to get out for a few hours.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      23 days ago

      Oof, I do find most Indian is expensive to eat out for one person as the curries are really expensive if you want to try a couple but then one serve is enough for two people. You don’t get as many set meals or single-dish meals for dinner unlike Chinese or Southeast Asian places. Bring on more South Indian restaurants with thaalis! That’s how Indian curries should be enjoyed imo 😋

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    23 days ago

    I’m feeling about 90% better now. Still have an occasional cough, but a Strepsil fixes it. I think I’m gonna go ahead with my idea for dinner and a movie tonight. The only movie that seemed appealing was the bad boys movie. I think it’s a sequel, but I’ve never seen whatever the original version is. Oh well. I’m sure I’ll figure out what’s happening. And indian for dinner. The only time I’ve had indian food from a restaurant I got food poisoning, but I do like a good curry (even if my spice tolerance is basically a Dorito) and this place is a little less dodgy, so I’m sure I’ll be right

    Edit: oh, on further thoughts, I won’t get back until after the buses in my area finish up for the night. Rip. Guess it’ll have to be a taxi home. Oh well