• MeanElevator@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Slept with my hand under my head and my wrist is feeling fucky. I guest I can tick off ‘injury while sleeping’ on the over 40 list of bullshit.

  • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Was supposed to study today but have a migraine. Hopefully it’ll be gone soon.

    Landed another interview Thursday so that’s 2 this week!

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    I was just thinking… imagine heaven like they show in movies and shows and stuff where there are people in white clothes up amongst the clouds with harps and stuff. Except imagine the weather is like it actually is at that altitude. Just super windy and really cold.

    Anyway just thinking about my grandad. Miss you, pop.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      pair of fingerless gloves from reject shop is a game changer! If you have a small room you can close the door on you’d be surprised how fast the computer warms the space up too.

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Moobeans has had more painkiller/antinausea shots and has started eating a little more! Cracking open a tin of Fancy Feast also helped. Vets say it’s like feeding them McDonalds but if it gets her eating and taking her regular medication that’s fine.

    Medical procedures, disability, disordered eating

    I’m so beyond angry that a rare undiagnosed medical condition has left me enduring severe pain, nausea, difficulty in eating, and bowel dysfunction for almost 20 years. I haven’t had it confirmed yet for sure, tests will have to be done, but possibilities have been raised around MALS and/or Nutcracker Syndrome. There’s also a strong possibility of gastroparesis. All of these are strongly correlated with the rare genetic disability I was born with.

    I’m still going to be appreciating food posts and sharing recipes. I’m not going to let it take that from me too.

    But I’m now facing the possibility of needing a temporary nasojejunal feeding tube (a nasal tube that bypasses a broken stomach and goes straight to the small intestine) to support my nutrition. Despite my efforts to keep eating I’ve deteriorated that badly now. Apparently a lot of people with my physical disability do end up requiring feeding tubes and none of the specialists I sought out fucking bothered to tell me. Nope, it must be psychosomatic!

    And worse than that, while I’m willing and know what assistance to ask for… if I can’t arrange it another way I still may end up having to repeatedly attend the ER to try and get some action on that. Which will mean repeatedly boarding my cat and waiting in a hospital for up to 12 hours only to potentially be told there’s nothing they can do. For as many times as it takes. (I’ve already done this twice to access a referral to gastro specialists in a different hospital, since the ones I had were actively unhelpful and don’t do the procedure I was asking for. Edit: I’m on the waiting list for the new ones. There’s also a nutritionist which might help me find a pathway.)

    And then there’s refeeding syndrome to face.

    No pity please, I’m just incensed and having a rant.

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Thanks for all the lovely wishes you guys 🥲 I had a long day at work which isn’t how I usually like to spend it - but it was a really good day nevertheless; I got a free bun quietly added to my bag at the bakery on my walk to work, my colleagues utterly spoiled me with gifts, had a few wins, and I treated myself to Inside Out 2 which was awesome (if a little pat near the end). So many emotions thinking about how it’s been so hard to accept parts of myself. It’s just the film I needed to feel more accepting about where I’m at and less torn up about where my sense of self and core values went…

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Ooh. Apparently there’s a meeting happening right now to decide what they’re going to do with the new kid and how they’ll manage the outcomes of it for me.

    The results will be either: A. I should suck it up and go home B. He should suck it up and stop breaking the rules C. The department should suck it up and move him elsewhere

    I didn’t really share very much about exactly how it was affecting me here, because it’s the sort of thing that I feel like will make me sound entitled and like a snowflake. But his move in and the resulting chaos really did affect me. I think it actually affected me more than when I was at the last place and things were really abusive, because back then I didn’t miss stability, because I never had any to begin with. But now I’ve had a chance to be in a stable and supportive place where I don’t need to always have an ear out of my headphones in case shit hits the fan, or barricade my door for safety, or have to sleep light so I don’t get woken up by cops shining a light in my face after opening the wrong room. It was really hard to adjust to that again, and I completely lost all will and motivation to do anything, even eat and drink.

    I’m fairly happy in this hotel, and things are going well again, but I do wonder if it was a good idea to agree to come here. After all, I will probably just walk back into the same shit show I did after returning from my holiday last time. And I’m not sure I can handle the constant yoyo-ing

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      Ideally it’d be B. as it should have been from the beginning, but that’s unlikely. The next best option is C.

      A. is not an option, you really do need to be plain with them about how badly it’s affected you and you’re well within your rights to crack the shits. Tell them even that you keep getting woken up by the cops and with the lack of sleep could lose your job. Really be straight up about what’s been happening or they possibly will allow the same shitshow to continue.

      You’re not entitled or a snowflake. Don’t let them gaslight you into tolerating this situation because it’s more convenient for them to be lazy.

      They screwed up and put this kid in a setting that he wasn’t suited for and it’s disrupting your stability. They need to fix it.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        I have been honest with them about how I’ve been affected by it all. I sent it to my entire care team last monday morning a few hours before I had a care team meeting. I have a few really supportive people in my care team, and 2 of them wrote letters about the situation, too. That’s probably a large part of the reason why I ended up in this hotel so quickly.

        From what I’ve heard, I actually think C is the best option. Apparently in the weeks leading up to his move in, he was saying he didn’t want to move here, and I’ve been told he still doesn’t want to be here. It also seems that a lot of the things he’s done since moving in have been the result of wanting to be kicked out. Lead tenant is meant to be a voluntary program, and it doesn’t work if people don’t genuinely want to be here

        Thanks for saying that, I’ve been struggling to talk about it because I know many people have been through worse things, and by world standards I’m in a good situation. It doesn’t help that I’ve actually experienced much worse living situations before, I’ve seen how bad things can get. So being so down while being in a much better position than I was 3 years ago makes me feel ungrateful and selfish.

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      A is not a goer imo. B sounds like it was dreamed up by an honest politician (which does not exist). C means the department has to acknowledge it has fucked up - again. Which may not happen. Not a lot of good outcomes on offer here. For now, the hotel is looking more and more like the better short term solution until the kid either goes or cleans up his act. I really hope this situation works itself out in a way that you can cope with.

    • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      So I dont really know the specifics of the situation, but guessing there is a good reason they cant say “B, and if you stuff up one more time you’re out on your ass” to the other kid?

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        Yeah that’s sort of what I meant. There is the strike and warning system thing, and he’s been issued with 1 warning. So 2 more stuff ups would mean being kicked out

          • Baku@aussie.zone
            3 months ago

            There’s 3 strikes before the warnings start, and 3 warnings before a kick out. They also do a grace period where they won’t do a formal strike, just a verbal warning.

            So essentially it can go something like this: 3 verbal warnings, then 3 strikes, then 3 proper warnings, then kicked out

            Also the barricading my door is more about not wanting workers opening my door. The workers are here for him, but aren’t his workers. But they’re not really trained either, and never get briefed on who’s room’s who’s

            • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
              3 months ago

              yeah… id be reporting to whatever org that people are opening your door at night, that turns scary real fast.

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    It turns out it was option D - the option I never mentioned.

    They’re going to move him out, but not yet. They said he currently has a 2 week transition to the next place, but that still needs to be officially confirmed. Apparently it won’t be longer.

    In the meantime it looks like I’ll be staying in this hotel. Although I did ask if I may be able to move to one with a washing machine because I don’t want to have to handwash things.

    Apparently they also told the other kid a number of my concerns I’d expressed in my email (but hadn’t actually told him) and he got angry and started threatening me. So that’d probably be why I’m staying here until he leaves. Before this we were on more of a neutral footing, now he has an active dislike for me. So that’s nice I guess

    • underwatermagpies@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      That sounds like a pretty good result, all things considered. As much as living in a hotel in the short-term isn’t ideal, it’s your own space & safe.

      And not great that the kid’s now angry at you, but it sounds like you won’t have to see him again?

      Hopefully everything stabilises quickly.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        3 months ago

        but it sounds like you won’t have to see him again?

        Hopefully. The timeline that’s been proposed is 2 weeks for him to transition elsewhere, but only 1 more week for me here. But that’s just what they’re starting with, there’s room for either side to change as needed

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      Apparently they also told the other kid a number of my concerns I’d expressed in my email (but hadn’t actually told him) and he got angry and started threatening me. So that’d probably be why I’m staying here until he leaves. Before this we were on more of a neutral footing, now he has an active dislike for me.

      Ugghh. They mismanaged the hell out of that and actively aggravated the situation. Whoever is doing this sucks at their job.

      Also this kid needs to take some responsibility - there were conditions for him living there so if he broke the rules and has cops coming around then that’s on him.

  • whatisthislifeilead@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    Bit of a disappointing work today. On Friday I messed up a spreadsheet by simply copying and pasting things wrong. However, I didn’t pick up on it until late today, when I had already done a heap of work on it (and spent the whole time wondering why it was throwing so many errors). I really felt like I dropped a notch in my manager’s eyes, as I had to bring them in to work with me to fix the sheet, not to mention other people who I showed the report to who picked up on the same thing. Ever since my interview for this role, i’ve been approached by people in different departments saying ‘they’ve heard a lot of good things about me’ - apparently someone on the panel has spread word that I’m some fantastic contributor to the role, and now I feel like that reputation has been tarnished because I couldn’t figure out a very simple mistake. Sigh. Wish I could just undo the last few days.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      These kinds of mess ups really feel so big at the time, but I reckon… You’ll be able to look back on it and laugh in the future. It might feel really far away, but I promise this absolutely won’t define you!

      If you reckon you thoroughly messed up, maybe an upshot is people have a more realistic expectation of you and it won’t feel like you have as much of a burden on your shoulders. And then maybe you’ll get to prove your worth in unexpected ways down the track 😄

  • SituationCake@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    I have a very strong opinion about the nuclear power debate. It’s new-clear. Not nuke-you-luer, not noo-cloo-la, not newk-yah-lah.

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    there’s a road closed off near my house. Its well documented, signs everywhere ect. And the amount of people who drive past 6 or 7 signs only to get to the actual closure and go “Oh. shit. I guess I have to U turn” is crazy! The cops should just stand their and just be taking licenses off these folks cause they are showing 0 situational awareness.

    • anotherspringchicken@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      I live near one of the railway crossings they turned into an overpass, and the whole time our street was blocked off at the train line people kept doing that. They would drive up to the barrier then get shitty because it was hard to turn around due to parked cars. It’s like they’d read the signs but still think, nah, I’m special, that doesn’t apply to me.

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      Ah but the closure MIGHT be further along the road from where they are going - and so they take a chance and lose it.

    • Cendana@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      There was one on the corner of Duggan St and Albion St, Brunswick West.

      I rat run that intersection 8 times a week.

      That intersection had “road closed” signs on all 3 sides, but in reality every time I drove around it at all hours of the day, it was open and cars were flowing freely.

      So I just started ignoring it until they actually sealed it off and started digging 2 weeks later lol.

    • Nath@aussie.zone
      3 months ago

      The road closure is not in Google Maps. This is the same reason the Montague St bridge keeps getting hit - Google Maps sending people down that road.