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The original was posted on /r/perth by /u/PaddlingDuck108 on 2024-07-01 00:28:06+00:00.

Good morning Perth fam. Recently moved to a new place and it had plastic grass. To each their own but I’m not a fan, so I pulled it up and am storing it in my mate’s garage while I figure out what to do with it. It’s in one big roll (from the front yard) and smaller pieces (from the backyard).

I need to come up with a disposal solution ASAP, preferably one that’s environmentally friendly. Is there any organisation that would take it/recycle it? If I tried to give it away, would anyone take it (it’s in relatively good condition, though of course it was on the ground so still has some dirt on it)? I figure it could be good for people living in apartments with pets? Anyone been in a similar situation with advice? It’s being stored SOR if that helps (Hilton/Coolbellup area).