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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/LevelHorror3076 on 2024-07-02 17:04:41+00:00.

I meant to title this “Mormons have no respect for boundaries ❌” Anyways, I need to rant:

I’ve been out of the Mormon church for a while now, though I still need to remove my records. It’s been about three years since I last attended a service.

Recently, I visited my TBM family out-of-state. Not knowing anyone here and struggling with my mental health, I found myself self-isolating. So, I finally and reluctantly accepted a couple invites to institute activities, which I kind of enjoyed as I got to get out of the house and meet new people, but was still pretty uncomfortable.

Yesterday, I accepted an invite to a YSA church pool party. I was enjoying myself until one guy pretended to “baptize” me. Mind you, he knows I left the church. He also asked why I wasn’t at church last week, to which I simply replied, “I don’t go.” I was assertive and polite, but the situation made me very uncomfortable. I understand that he’s excited about the church since he just got baptized, but seriously, how hard is it to accept that your church doesn’t make everyone happy? If it makes you happy, great! But please accept that it does not make me happy and respect my choices.

Why can’t you just be my friend without trying to convert me? It feels so insincere. All I wanted was to get out of the house a bit and talk to people, despite the setting making me uncomfortable. At least I’m respectful of other people’s beliefs and don’t bring up mine.

I was planning on going to institute today to hang out and play volleyball, but I’ve decided to pass. Part of me doesn’t really blame him, though. Since he’s recently baptized, I’m sure his indoctrination is fresh and strong.

I’m also annoyed at the missionaries, which my parents host every week for dinner, for inviting me to a local YSA activity knowing that I’m an ex-mormon. However, I can’t also really blame them because they’re doing their “job.” My mom’s friend also insisted, basically tried to force me, to attend the local YSA events and I had to reiterate that I wasn’t a member and uninterested in those events. She kept pushing until I finally gave up and just started saying “okay” to everything she said. Also, my sister asked her gay Mormon friend what resources could “help” me, right in front of me. It’s all so nuts!

How about the members of the Mormon church accept, respect, and try to be genuine friends with people of different beliefs? Instead of trying to convert or judge them? Genuine question. It’s funny how the everyone else is expected to respect their beliefs but they constantly try to invade ours.