Can’t wait to see how much this will cost and how bad the microtrssctions will be.
Seems like it’s going to be a hard wait and see for me.
Fuck that
Can they make a mobile app where you are the person who needs the taxi lol
Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!!
They could call it Uride or maybe Passynger?
All I ‘need’ now is for them to ruin jet set radio somehow and I’ll be back on the waiting for something interesting to be announced train.
Now announcing Jet Set Mobile! Our first battle royale-style multiplayer mobile game! Upgrade the free trial now for instant access to the first wave of DLC.
I’m vomiting out of my eyes. Thanks 😭
That’s cool but I’ll wait for the MMO reboot of Tokyo Bus Tour.
Gta5 has a taxi mini game.
SOmething something driverless cars are just around the corner :| years later
Do kids today even know what a taxi is? Or do they see a yellow cab the same way they see the save icon? “Why is it a square thingy? Those used to exist in real life???”
I used to say I was never going to get old…and then I got old. Now my knees hurt.
Taxis were not wiped out in a great apocalypse. This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day.
taxis are still sround yk…
I used to say I was never going to get old…
Only way to do that isn’t pleasant. Gotta die young.
That was always the plan. When I was 7, I planned on dying by 15. I’m 40 now, so things went a bit offcoarse.
Depending on how you age, that is kinda the goal ngl. I’ve seen my grandpa, I’d much rather die as myself before i lose any spark of life.