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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Unique_March_6825 on 2024-07-03 01:54:26+00:00.

So, like four years ago, a missionary, while I was in the process of learning more about the Mormon church, told me an interesting tidbit of information. He told me that research or a study, or something like that, said that Mormon live longer than Non-Mormons. Fast forward four or five years, and I find out that a study does indeed say that Mormons live longer than Non-Mormons. Everybody, what are your thoughts on that? Edit: Here is the article that mentions this study. I know it’s Desert, and that Desert is often propaganda for the Mormon church, but the study was done by non-Mormons. I couldn’t find the original study online. Thoughts?

Second Edit: I forgot to mention, I was also really considering becoming a member(and I did get baptized in the church, so I was a member for a bit). I left because many members were not fans of the LGBT community(I’m very likely pansexual-I feel pretty straight at the moment but I do sometimes blush and move quick around men), and I really like coffee, matcha and alcohol(in moderation). I also was one of the few people there that was kind of lower-class(not the only one, and the well-off members seemed to kind of dislike the lower-class, non-White members(a bit). That’s about it.