I’ve been ripping my anime bluray collection and wanted to have an easier way to sort it for Jellyfin, so I wanted to try Shoko Server, but it’s not recognizing any of my anime. It sees the actual files, but categorizes them all as Unrecognized, making the entire idea of using it for automated sorting pointless. I’m struggling to find guides on this and the documentation is quite lacking. I don’t know what I’m wrong. Are there certain rules I need to be following in order for Shoko to hash correctly? Does it hash the name? The actual ripped files?

My folder structure is setup in a way that Jellyfin properly recognizes it (without using the Shoko plugin yet), so like so for example:

- Fate/stay night: ubw (2014)
---- Season 01
---------- <episode> S01E01
- Fate/stay night: ubw (2015)
---- Season 01
---------- you get the idea

Since multi season anime often are separate entries, each season is usually its own main folder (which is one of the reasons I wanted to try Shoko to see if I could combine them into one so that I don´t have multiple entries for what is really only 1 anime series).

Anyone here that uses Shoko and have some tips?

  • anyhow2503@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Shoko also has rate limits. The problem is that AniDB does rate limiting in an extremely stupid way for a UDP API and doesn’t even have the decency to define clear time limits.