• zephorah@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    The worst part is cognitive decline is real. We’re seeing it.


    Trump and Biden are only 3 years apart.


    3 years.


    The difference is, Joe surrounds himself with competence. He picked a VP who wouldn’t make a terrible President. He also doesn’t have shitty impulses to play with big government military toys at baseline that he’s falling back on right now.


    Can we say the same for Trump? What does his less competent more impulsive at baseline ass do in full cognitive decline?


    And yet we’re sitting in this geriatric hole. With a China-Russia-Korea alliance looming, plus whatever the fuck is happening on the daily in the Middle East. Our neighbors are cool, thankfully, but conflict doesn’t need to be neighbor based or on the same continent these days. Yea, we have shit in our own house and it stinks, but the rest of the globe isn’t going to stop existing while we fight it out.


    Complacency and inertia are scary. And that’s what’s been running the DNC for years.

    • John Richard@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Biden is being selfish period. If it is about the team, then why Biden. Biden gets on television saying only he can do it. That he is the only one that can beat Trump. If he is the CEO of the Democrats, then they can change the CEO and keep the same employees.

      • WraithGear@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Biden said that 50 other democrats could beat trump. I believe him and i don’t even know who he is talking about.

      • zephorah@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        You’re not wrong.


        This is what complacency and inertia gets us, this horror show where we all need a good scream and cry. RBG was a Queen right up until she banked on waiting for Hillary before retirement. I get it, wanting the first female President to a point her replacement, but she fucked up, miscalculated. Even the best of us fucks up, and Joe isn’t firing on all cylinders any more. Expecting him to think as well as either of us, going forward, would be a mistake.


        Jon Stewart podcast it was brought up that white male establishment guys like Joe probably arent capable of just handing power to a black woman. I mean, historically in America, how often have we seen that, if ever? Again, inertia rules the day.


        A lot of things should happen, but inertia rules people. Some people go their entire lives and then die without ever really moving outside of the inertial force of their own little existence. DNC has exponential momentum gathered on its inertia, its like, oh shit, I just had an image of The Boys pop into my head, the scene where Hughie’s GF is killed by A-Train. Can the DNC stop? They’ve been running on this lazy momentum for a while now.

        • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Jon Stewart podcast it was brought up that white male establishment guys like Joe probably arent capable of just handing power to a black woman.

          He was vp to a Black President, what kind of idiocy is this?

        • John Richard@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          He’s done okay for someone who has compromised with Republicans to give them concessions in order to get legislation passed. His stance on Israel has been detrimental to his campaign. He’s taken on some easy wins like marijuana reclassification. There is a lot of issues with current legislation that hurts middle-class workers still that he hasn’t done anything about. People face these issues regularly in the workforce, which doesn’t build trust. He hasn’t done enough to ensure a win against Trump, and the polls show that.

          • I blame the media. Obviously they are not on Biden’s side, obviously they are not going to publicize his victories. He’s made more progress on issues I care about than any president in my lifetime. I think Bernie would have been way, way better.

            • John Richard@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              I’m curious, what issues do you care about that you believe he’s made more progress on than any candidate in your lifetime?

              • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                3 months ago
                • Infrastructure
                • Going after monopolies
                • Student loan forgiveness
                • Marijuana decriminalization
                • General economic direction
                • John Richard@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  So Infrastructure Bill gives $65 billion to companies monopolies… yet, they’ve ran out of money for ACP:


                  Does these companies actually use the money to expand broadband?

                  https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/10/25/broadband-subsidies-coronavirus-aid/ https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/02/isps-keep-giving-false-broadband-coverage-data-to-the-fcc-groups-say/

                  It gives $110 billion for roads, bridges and other major projects… and a bridge that spans just 0.67 miles costing 10 billion dollars and construction expecting to take 10 years. So, we’re talking maybe 10 small bridges, as the costs keep increasing.

                  The antitrust thing is a good start, but Biden has gave too much leniency to the courts which the higher courts were stacked by Trump. Unless Biden were to do something about the Supreme Court, like most cases… Big business and corporate donors will prevail.

                  Same with student loan forgiveness. It is a good start, but it has been overturned time and time again in the courts. Furthermore, it doesn’t deal with how majority of companies who are now “paying” for school for employees and then owning them for a long duration despite poor and unsafe working conditions. Biden has largely failed on improving employment & benefit legislation which has been broken.

                  Marijuana decriminalization: Marijuna is still illegal under federal law and has not yet been decriminalized. His change in classification would not actually decriminalize it under federal law.

                  General economic direction: Have you looked at housing prices recently? Biden’s economy benefits the wealthy and hurts the middle and lower class workers. Inflation has increased significantly above wages.

                  • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                    3 months ago

                    a good start, but

                    a good start, but

                    “Should we vote for him to keep going? Nah, let’s just undo every bit of progress because life is not perfect yet” - leftists

                    Fuck that cutting off your nose to spite your face bullshit.

                    Biden has made more progress on all of these issues than any other president in my adult lifetime. PROGRESS. Not “instantly made everything perfect” .

                    Biden has us moving in the right direction. More of that please.