• TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    First, do you think Seal Team Six would carry that order out?

    Do you think Seal Team Six wouldn’t possibly take Biden out after he gave that kind of order?

    Do you think that some members of Seal Team Six might be highly Conservative and loyal to Trump and the Supreme Court, and not to Biden and an order to take out the Conservative Justices?

    Do you think Team Red would idly stand by while Biden orders the assassination of the leaders they knuckled down for TWO DECADES to get installed?

    Pro-tip: You’re on loony island right now. What will happen here is that Seal Team Six would reject the obviously illegal order, report it, and Biden would have horrible egg on his face. There’s a damn good chance that he’d then either be 25ed away, or outright impeached for illegal orders, and then arrested and tried for attempted murder, completely bereft of any of the protections you think he has. Trump would then sail easily to election over a Harris ticket, simply by pointing out that he was right all along and Biden and the Democrats were bloodthirsty murderers just looking for an opportunity to kill Republicans and impose a Socialist Communist Dictatorship on Mama’s Apple Pie and all the Bald Eagles in the world. And then we’d get a REAL Fascist Dictatorship where Republicans could roam the country looking for people they don’t like and oppressing them.

    And you really have to disrespect Biden to think he’d even BEGIN thinking about doing this. The man’s a good person. He’s not looking to join Team Republican in the new Fascist paradigm.