The Democratic Socialists of America pulled its endorsement of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York this week, accusing the progressive congresswoman of being insufficiently supportive of the Palestinian cause and efforts to end the war in Gaza…

Her approach has increasingly strained her relationship with some of the left’s most strident critics of Israel. When she rallied last month in the Bronx with Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Jamaal Bowman, dozens of pro-Palestinian demonstrators angry over her endorsement of Mr. Biden chanted “You’re a fraud, A.O.C.”

    3 months ago

    Can I just say FUCK The Democratic Socialists of America, those scumbags can eat a bag of dicks.

    Just look at their stances, views, and activities:

    • They blame the US for the Russian invasion of Ukraine
    • They want the US to pressure Ukraine to surrender to Russia under the guise “negotiations”
    • They want the US to leave NATO
    • They support the Venezuelan dictator, Maduro, so much that they literally sent a fucking delegation there to meet him
    • They organized a tone deaf pro-Palestinian rally on Oct 8th right after the attacks when the world was still in shock
    • They outright want the destruction of Israel. Not a two state solution, not coexistence, but the eradication of Israel
    • They quite literally want open borders
    • The organization is full of full blown vile Marxists who to “abolish capitalism” and establish socialism
    • They condemn social democracy
    • In 2016 they refused to endorse Hillary and spearheaded the movements that called for people to boycott voting Democrat, which led to Trump winning
    • In 2020 they refused to endorse Biden and spearheaded the movements that called for people to boycott voting Democrat, which helped Trump make the election closer than it should’ve been
    • In 2024 they’re doing the same exact thing by refusing to endorse Biden again

    They have ALWAYS simped for all the dictators and authoritarian regimes. They have always had the most brain dead stances on foreign policy issues. They subscribe to a colossal failure of an ideology, and their interests are not with the US succeeding. They are nothing more than assets of our foreign adversaries.

    The organization and movement at large is nothing more than the far left and the most whacko of Bernie Supporters that even he is uncomfortable with. I’m glad AOC went from being a fringe extremist politician to becoming more pragmatic and moderate. She has been winning me over more and more lately, and this just proves that she’s moving in the right direction. Once again, the DSA can get fucked.

      3 months ago

      Choose love, not hate:

      “You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism. There must be a better distribution of wealth, and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.”

        3 months ago

        Yeah, there’s pretty big damn difference between MLK fighting for equality during segregation in 1964 and the DSA simping for dictators and helping fascist MAGA win.

        Also for the record, NONE of the Scandinavian countries are democratic socialist. Every single one is a capitalist liberal democracy. This idea that any of the Scandinavian countries are anywhere near socialist is misinformation spread by Bernie during his campaigns. The Danish PM at the time even had to address this publicly:

        Speaking at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen told students that he had “absolutely no wish to interfere the presidential debate in the US” but nonetheless attempted to set the record straight about his country.

        "I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said.


    • Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      None of the things you mentioned are why they withdrew the endorsement of AOC. Your entire comment is strawmen of why you don’t like them. They compromised with AOC on all the points you stated above… and then AOC went on to support literal Genocide and Apartheid.

      I’m glad AOC went from being a fringe extremist politician to becoming more pragmatic and moderate.

      Yeah supporting Genocide to advance in politics like a real “pragmatic moderate” liberal. Imagine praising this level of snakery.

        3 months ago

        I’m pointing out why the DSA is a shitty organization and movement, them turning on AOC is merely another example.

        Also, you’re not principled, and neither are they. They unironically support genocide against Israel and against Ukraine, they’re just picking and choosing which genocides to support. Not to mention, that AOC has the most reasonable stance on the war imaginable. She condemns the actions of the Israeli government, she condemns the actions of the Palestinian groups, and she wants them to work towards of a ceasefire and a hostage release for the benefit of the people.

        You can go live in your delusional world where Trump is elected and is giving the Netanyahu his full support for Israel to fully annex the West Bank and Gaza, but hey at least you stuck it to the Democrats and stood by your anti-pragmatic politics. As for the rest of us? We’re still grounded in reality where Trump is still the biggest threat to our democracy.

        3 months ago

        No, the far left has always been vile, but the DSA is especially annoying because they actively hurt the Democrats and help the Republicans.

      3 months ago

      The organization is full of full blown vile Marxists who to “abolish capitalism” and establish socialism

      Holy shit, the democratic socialists of america are socialists

      3 months ago

      Man I was with you until you suggested abolishing capitalism was a bad thing. Why is that a bad thing?

        3 months ago

        Let me ask you this, why can’t we regulate capitalism to work for us? Just think of what we can do:

        • Greatly expand and enforce strong environmental regulations
        • Expand and enforce anti trust laws to break monopolies
        • Improve working conditions
        • Remove money from politics
        • Ban lobbying
        • Increase the minimum wage to something livable and tie it to inflation
        • Improve the justice system to hold CEOs and other big executives accountable for any crimes they commit and punish them accordingly
        • Tie worker wages to CEO salaries or company revenue
        • Fix all the tax loopholes and have corporations and billionaires pay their fair share
        • Improve the social safety net so people can have their basic needs met
        • Expand regulations to protect consumers
        • Expand regulations for price gouging and enforce them
        • Update our outdated zoning laws to allow for the building of more houses
        • Remove the shitty regulations that prevent public transport from being built
        • Ban any attempts to equate corporations with people
        • Implement ranked choice voting and get rid of first past the vote
        • Change the way we measure the health of the economy from GDP and stock market trends to things like median income, life expectancy, levels of happiness, mental and physical health, childhood success rate, rates of substance abuse, crime rates, social mobility, and so on
        • Incentivize companies and people that do more to help their communities and punish those that actively harm them

        These are not radical ideas and they’re not new, these are all already in place in capitalist societies all around the world. We know they work and we know capitalism works, so why not make it better? Capitalism doesn’t have to be this dystopian reality where corporations own everything and everybody else lives in poverty struggling to make ends meet. It could also be this great system that is centered around humanity and works to the benefit of the people. A system where the value of a person matters more than a dollar amount. These ideas aren’t antithetical to capitalism. Capitalism is just tool, it’s a flexible one too, there’s nothing stopping us from shaping it to serve us and our values. Why not pursue that instead of trying to pursue some an ideology that has literally failed? After so many attempts, so many failures, so many people killed, when is it time to move on? Marxist socialism isn’t the way forward, it’s a way of the past.

          3 months ago

          Because all that is absolute and total fantasy. Capitalism does not allow for any of it. And even if you can succeed temporarily and installing any of it capitalism will find the crack and destroy it. You’re trying to fight against the nature of a thing. The absolute core tenant capitalism is the exploitation and enslavement of the working class. The only incentive, only, is more short-term profit. That’s it. Anyone who thinks you can do anything else is dreaming. Capitalism is incapable of surviving in a pluralistic society. Capital is incapable of adjusting to the needs of a society as a whole. Capitalism is incapable of taking into account the needs of the many versus the needs of the single. You cannot fight against that, that’s its purpose.

          There is a reason that capitalism tends to lead to fascism.

          3 months ago

          How does the laundry list not include the prerequisite to achieving all that: the people seizing the means of producing and distributing media. The medium holds us captive.

          3 months ago

          Because Warren Buffet wasn’t joking when he said:

          “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

          He also wasn’t attempting to raise awareness of the issue as evidenced by his disowning his granddaughter when she did try to raise awareness of the issue by being interviewed for the documentary The 1% by one of the Johnson kids.

          They won’t allow us to regulate them, and have each killed hundreds of millions of us so far. I believe the phrase is believe someone when they tell you who they are, these people are unrepentant murderers, thieves, and environmental terrorists at an unprecedented level. They woke up and chose violence, we can only choose self defense at this point.