• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    When I was a kid, and a teen, I was optimistic. I always felt that things could only get better. Why? Because as humans we all work towards things getting better. So they would. Because how could they not??? Billions of people all working together in unity, for a better tomorrow. What could go wrong???

    I did not take one key piece of information into account. The fact that people are ASSHOLES!!!

    I was imagining a world where internet speeds get faster and faster. And with new advancements would come new technologies. I imagined a world where you could prick yourself the same way diabetes patients do, dip a strip into your blood, and it would use the internet to tell you all your health issues instantly, and for cheap.

    I imagined a world where cars were solar powered, and came with butt massagers.

    I imagined a world where nobody smoked cigerettes. Which would lead to a massive decrease in cancer.

    I imagined a world where teleportation were possible. Transport yourself from NYC to Sydney in 3 seconds.

    I imagined all these crazy things that might be possible if all the top minds were all working like a collective hive to solve the pressing issues.

    But I forgot people were assholes. Everything is political. People would rather a good idea didn’t happen if they couldn’t take credit for it…even if they had nothing to do with it.

    People would rather large populations starve, and suffer from preventitive diseases if they can’t profit from the solutions.

    People would rather willingly go forward with known bad ideas if it meant their enemies suffer with them through the bad times too.

    So adult me knows that NO. The future is not bright. It’s not a fear of the unknown. It’s an educated guess of the obvious. The world is shit. It’s always been shit. It’s always going to be shit.

    Adult me is sad.