To win back support, the Democratic candidate must offer a positive and coherent vision centered on care and progressive policies, rather than relying solely on anti-Trump rhetoric.

    2 months ago

    What would it take to implement even a part of the Nordic model social welfare here in the U.S.?

    Not an economist, but I think it would take taxing corporations a fair share of the resources, human and otherwise, they enjoy.

    So much wealth is misappropriated as undeserved CEO pay, and restructuring CEO pay even just a little to allow paying for greater corporate taxes will create enough revenue from taxes and implement social welfare for 100s of millions.

    Housing support for families and individuals who need it, free healthcare for all, and free K-12 education for all should be a bare minimum. Moreover, if people are losing work and income due to AI, there needs to be retraining.

    But why do all this? Why reduce suffering and misery? Less worry about money and health = happier lives = stronger bodies and minds = more resilient people = communities which can withstand shocks from natural or manmade disasters. In some way, having stronger communities ensures homeland security.

    More than that, everything which supports the work of corporations relies on civilized society and the structure gained from civilization. These are the basics which are ignored in favor of shortsighted policy making benefiting only the greedy.

        2 months ago

        The rural population folks are pawns being manipulated by the greedy uber rich. In fact, they’re deliberately kept destitute and sick so they can’t move to other states, and they’re fed a constant stream of hate media to get them vote against their own interests. There’s no war but class war.

          2 months ago

          Sure. But that’s what it would take for them to stop voting Republican at this point. Death. Trump is a fascist, a rapist, a pedophile, a crook, and a moron, a literal East Coast Elite, and he still has their unthinking support.

          This is not a path America comes back from without the only kind of disease that could kill rural citizens in greater numbers than urban:

          A civil war.

          That or Covid-25, bigger, better, and even more horrible but in some weird way that means they won’t take basic precautions to stop themselves from dying.

          Like, just think beyond this election, right?

          What are they going to say when they lose?

          Are they going to go back to being somewhat reasonable neocons?

          Or is this what every election for the rest of our lives is going to be? Neoliberalism vs fascism?

            2 months ago

            I don’t know, nothing is ever that far gone or lost unless someone is a sociopath. There have been literal white supremacists and kkk members who renounced their former affiliations.

            Ultimately people just want to develop and grow, whatever that means to them. Sadly, some people have been convinced that their development and growth is being impeded by others.

            There are people who are hoarding wealth and resources, and exploiting human lives and labor. No, I don’t mean the simple business owners (thousand-aires or even multimillionaires). The hoarders are almost invariably billionaires as noted by lack of contributing proportionate taxes. We’re all victims of the greed of a very few. The noveau riche will mimic the behaviors of the true wealthy, and exacerbate the problem, but they too are merely pawns.

        2 months ago

        This man doesnt know that nordic countries also have rural communities