• sugartits@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      He has Alzheimer’s, so maybe yes if that’s the label you want to use, but he can’t help it.

      Within a year we’ll probably have to take his driving license away, that will really hurt as he values his independence greatly. Within the next couple of years he’ll be in a care home. I’d say a year after that he won’t even remember who I am. He won’t remember any of the family, or any of his friends.

      Eventually he’ll have brief moments of lucidity but for the majority of the time he’ll just be talking gibberish and not having a clue what is going on around him.

      Then he’ll not want to eat or drink and he’ll slowly starve himself to death. The staff at the care home will do their best but he’s on a one way trip to a miserable confusing lonely existence and a slow death that we all have to watch as his immune system attacks what is left of his brain and his body eventually gives way, long after “dad” is no longer our “dad” anymore.

      It’s a horrible disease which robs you of your very soul before eventually killing you. As my Mum put it when I explained it to her: “fucking hell… I think I’d rather have cancer”.

      In the meantime, I am trying my best to give technical support for the occasional times that he needs it. Even at his best he wasn’t really “tech savvy” but he did well in his prime, running a local business that allowed about 20 staff to pay their mortgages and have a good life.

      He did well by us and everyone around him, so a little tech support and frustration, whilst also producing a funny anecdote for this little community, isn’t really a big deal.