Now, the Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign is nodding to her summer job to highlight her upbringing and a platform to boost American workers that stands in stark contrast to her Republican rival Donald Trump, who “has no plan to help the middle class — just more tax cuts for billionaires,” according to a recent ad.

    1 month ago

    She’s gen-x

    Gen-x got fucked over big time in a way we millenials didn’t, but only because the expectation for them was so much higher. They got almost the same raw deal we did without the previous generation to buffer them.

    They shouted and raised the alarm bells about what was being done to millenials and younger.

    Lots of gen x slipped right in with the boomers and have their life, but many many more are out here struggling with us millennials except they didn’t grow up in a world where it was apparent it was slipping from them.

    Gen-xers are gonna be huge for us honestly.