He’s had yet another horrible week. The old tricks aren’t working. Kamala Harris does not fear him. And it’s showing in the numbers.

  • archomrade [he/him]@midwest.social
    1 month ago

    A lot of protests right now are serving a double purpose – one, they’re bringing awareness to the issue with the American people (and it’s working), and two, they’re threatening the Democrats electorally and forcing them to change their calculus of what types of Israel policy they should do if they don’t want to lose the election from the other side (and that’s working, too). Both of those are good things. I keep saying that, and you keep, consistently, insisting for some reason that I must have a problem with them. I guess because it makes the point that you’re trying to say easier if I am just against all protestors. As I keep saying, I am not.

    Yea, that’s the point. But you continuously allude to some “other” type of pro-palestinian protestor, who is putting the pressure squarely on those most directly responsive to their protest, as “useful idiot”, or “bad actor”, or alluding to them having abuser logic for placing agency on the people currently providing Israel military aid and not, weirdly, on themselves. You even use a double-standard when discussing online behavior: in one instance, the correct way to Do Activismtm is to convince the american public to sway public opinion, and then in the next you hand-wave away activity that is directed at swaying public opinion because ‘you doubt the DNC reads your comments on Lemmy’.

    That, OR, you’re trying to distinguish between types of pro-palestinian protestors using some weird, “that’s not gonna help” classification system that’s opaque and/or ambiguously defined, so that at any given moment someone saying “democrats haven’t done enough” can be cast aside as “other” or “bad actor”. It is almost as if you are defending a naieve enthusiasm from water being thrown on it, simply because you value that enthusiasm even while there is a veritable gulf between what is needed from democrats on Israel and what they are doing. No, you may not return to your brunch, look at the shit that still needs cleaning up. Protestors are there to remind libs (who, as you pointed out, are safe from harm themselves no matter what the democratic policy is on Israel) that the work is not yet done. This includes people on Lemmy who are serving you reminders that things continue to be shit, despite what little democrats have actually done.

    And it’s not even like the Democrats can’t, also, campaign for that change being worked toward. You’re pretending as if the desired policy must grow from grass-roots before democrats can take action, but the democrats already know what the right thing to do is, it is just politically inconvenient to have to do it right now. A huge part of the problem is that the Democrats actively use the bully pulpit to deflect blame and run cover for Israel - when they should be using it to make the case to the american public why things need to change.

    Literally anything to disembody the problem away from your personal electoral goals, while also claiming to support the issue being raised. It is the quintessential ‘white moderate’ take that MLK discusses in Letter from Birmingham, but you’re so blinded by self-confidence that you couldn’t possibly see it.