What’s your cadence for maintenance? Is there anything you think you should be doing more frequently? Is there anything you do extra proactively because you don’t like seeing it left undone?

I’m also curious about how much time you spend taking care of your home and how that balances with the rest of your personal life, and how you share the load with other people you live with.

  • HubertManne@moist.catsweat.com
    20 days ago

    I remember a guy talking about moving in with his girlfriend. As single people she vaccumed once a week and he did once a month. She felt they should alternate every other week and he was like wait. Your vacumming half as much as you used to and now im vaccuming twice as much. He proposed he do once a month so he is working the same as before and she gets a week off. Was a guy from work so no idea how that eventually turned out.

  • Buglefingers@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    Done as needed, or as mood strikes. Generally everything stays clean, if not, the pressure and annoyance builts until it gets completed. Repeat.

    Routines like that do not exist in my household

  • DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone
    20 days ago

    I’m recovering from cancer and caring for my wife who has severe post traumatic stress as a result of natural disaster.

    • I have a shower most days
    • I get dressed most days
    • I turn the dishwasher on when it’s full, and empty it when there’s no more room in the sink
    • Occasionally I sweep and vacuum
    • I mow the lawns every few weeks

    That’s pretty much all I can do at the moment, but I’m slowly getting better.