Somehow she survived. Padme’s revenge.
Oh my God
Somehow Padme returned.
No one’s ever really gone
Except Rey’s Parents. They’re really gone.
across the stars music
Leia, do you remember your mother? Your real mother?
Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.
Talk about burying the lede, Leia. JFC.
If GL hadn’t sold, there would eventually have been a superduperhyperspecial edition that would have changed that line, among others, because he obviously didn’t mean it literally and it wasn’t his actual vision and only 1980s technical limitations forced him into permitting scripted lines that turned out to be bullshit. :-)
He probably just mixed up the line from when he saw it in theaters.
First time for me with that one. Awesome! LOL
I just assumed she meant her adopted mother, Mrs. Bail Organa. Or did I miss something here?
Edit: nevermind, just looked it up and Breha died on Alderaan when the Death Star blew it up. Lame.
That detail wasn’t in any of the movies so the line in ep 6 still makes sense the way you thought. I’m pretty sure anyone would assume that’s what she meant, since we never hear that she knew she was adopted. Whoever made Bail’s wife die in the explosion of Alderaan is the one who messed up, or Lucas ignored that addition when making episode I.
I personally like the fan theory that Padme’s life force was transferred to Anakin with the help of Palpatine.
Do you ever get the feeling that all the right story beats are there, if only it were guided by a more masterful hand
Oh definitely. It has the makings of an epic series, that gets dumbed down and ruined at every opportunity for greatness.
Like some sort of invisible Force.
Oh wow. This makes so much sense. Damn, new head canon unlocked.
It’s the only explanation that makes sense. And “sense” is a very relative term, here.
That theory missed something that jumped my synapses right at the end. Palpatine killed Vader in order to revive. He pulled the same fucking trick, his love of Vader and his hatred at his betrayal mixed right at the end, and he used it to hitch a ride to his clone stock. Man, fuck, that just ruined the sequels all over again.
She’s sad cause she’s gotta wait till that dick is legal
I always though it was kind of bazaar