I remember when you could go on Facebook and look through your feed at what your friends are saying, catch up with them, and browse posts that they have made. Now, it’s just completely random and chaotic, almost nonsensical. There’s no logical sense to my Facebook feed at all. As you can see in the image, they are showing me stuff that I’m not even following. This is not even something that I am actively a part of! It’s some random group. So what’s the point of following a group or liking a page, if they’re just going to show you random stuff anyway?

Like, wtf happened to this website?

  • laverabe@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    Very cool. 100% over my technical knowledge level but I’ll take a look at the code and give it a whirl when I get a chance.

    I think it would be awesome if it worked. Power to the people! ;)

    • Valmond@lemmy.world
      9 days ago

      Hey thank you!

      I finally have some free time ahead, I’ll put together a first ‘real’ documentation that covers installation and basic use cases so that people actually can have a chance of testing it for real. I’ll swap the cringy 1990 web page for it on tenfingers.org

      Do tell if you try it out 👍🏻
